Chapter 32

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#Sigma rule 32

Be Valuable
Not Available.


For a while, everybody remained at their places, but thereafter — they were requested to take their original places corresponding to their class of the wolf.

The wolves assembled around the bonfire in their wolf forms, as guided by the elders. The Sigmas were on the left side and Alphas on the right. Jungkook was seated adjacently opposite to Taehyung in the circle. Everybody was lingering for the ritual man to arrive. They say he is the only "Gamma" wolf left in their community.

He is an original form of a gamma, particularly primitive, they say. A gamma wolf has grown into an extinct form of the werewolves. They are shrewd, profoundly cognizant of their atmospheres and ecosystem. And their words are never mistaken. Assuredly, wolves should be extremely vigilant around them. They might not have physical capabilities like the other wolves, but their intelligence and experience represents them to be a respectful member of society.

It is estimated that they can see through an individual, and study their fortune, misfortune, and even the past. They have exceptional powers to heal an individual or punish them accordingly. The werewolf scholars claimed that the Gammas are the ancestors of the Sigma mindset. But unlike them, they do not have any rigidity or rules.

Jungkook's eyes swiftly met with his mate, who was undoubtedly already staring at him. That was when Taehyung mind-linked his mate for the first time. "The moon looks beautiful today," Jungkook heard the elder and instantly looked away. Gladly, it was not possible to blush in the wolf form. Taehyung realized Jungkook was no more a teen, who wouldn't understand his compliments.

Shortly afterward, everybody met with an old wolf entering the place through the gate. He had red eyes and silvery fur. Taehyung abruptly groaned softly at the pheromones of the Old Gamma. It was oddly gratifying. He welcomed the warmth he was seeking in the pheromones.

Observing the elders in the family, everyone bowed to the former wolf. And not rapidly thereafter, the ceremony commenced without consuming another minute. The Gamma stated howling, lifting his head in the air and everyone escorted him along. 

Later, the old man transformed into his human formed remained seated in the same place. One by one, the mated mates were summoned to move to the gamma wolf to take the pledge and blessings.

The elders were the initial ones to go up there to the primitive wolf. Subsequently followed by the grooms and Yoonmin. Lastly, it was the turn of the youngest mates in the family—Taehyung, and Jungkook, haltingly in their human form, ambled over to the Gamma.

The two perched on the Persian tapestry beside one another. Strangely, the gamma smiled fondly, observing the two. "Shall we begin with the pledge, my children?" he urged mildly, and the two acknowledged with nods.

"Repeat after me, For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the pack is the pack," the two recited after him, though, in the twenty-first century, the packs of the wolves had utterly saturated — yet they say a wolf should never be alone. It is either their pack, their family, or the community they should stick to.

"With all my reverence and devotion to the moon goddess, I shall commit to staying ardent and patient with my mate. I shall pledge to adhere to, respect, love and dedicate myself in order to accept them in the way they are."

Taehyung slowly peered at his companion, which appeared not to go noticed by the gamma, who was seated upon the chair now. The Alpha still had his eyes closed. "A lot of love I see ahead for the two of you, in the future," hearing the sentence of the former wolf, Jungkook opened his eyes solely to glance at him. "Things have been tough lately, but it will end soon. The things that have been between the two of you cannot linger forever, but the things that do bring you two together will always," he beamed at the youngers gingerly.

"There must be a reason why mother nature chose you two for one another," the gamma exclaimed. Once the one we thought was stronger from the very beginning was never. The weaker one invariably was something — the one had something in them — something for them.

The gamma thus blessed the two with wisdom. As they were about to walk away, the old man stopped the younger of the two and asked him to stay back. Taehyung, leaving his mate behind, strode over to the liquor counter to grab a drink. 

"You know everything that happens has its reasons, right, my child?" The aged man inspected tenderly, as he observed the alpha's eyes blazing blue. The man figured out that the lad learned something for him to know was coming his way. "Yes, my lord," Jungkook responded gently.

"Tell him that you're his strength and not his weakness," Particularly if Jungkook understood that. And only if Taehyung understood that his darkness is just his hallucinations and his light is his present, his light is not just something he has to protect, cherish and hide from others but his light can also develop into his strength—only if Taehyung dealt with this side of the thought, the things could have been different.

Conveying the above sentence, the gamma disappeared from the younger's sight. He did not bring about when did the man quit the place. Promptly enough, Jungkook joined everybody else at the party—he was still in the pool of his thoughts about what the old man spoke earlier—Taehyung considers him his weakness? That's the reason he elected to pursue his further studies in the states? And did not contact him for five years? Is that what the gamma meant?

Not permitting the pledge and ceremonies much of a thought, Jungkook reminded himself again to win the sword dance tomorrow, in order to get the hints and advantages for the treasure hunting—- he has to win no matter what to get his answers.

Meanwhile, Jin was blushing in front of his mate, who had just opened the bracelet box in front of him. Everyone was cheering for the couple and just a moment later — the cheers were directed to Taehyung — who had bought Jungkook's favorite flowers.

The Alpha was so into his theories that he did not realize it when his mate started to approach him. "Excuse me? I don't mean to intrude, but you owe me a drink." the lips of the elder had a vast grin—he was apparently tipsy.

The Aboy frowned at the sentence but widened his eyes afterward when the sigma kneeled down, keeping forward the flowers he had purchased for him. "Because when I saw you, I dropped mine."


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