Chapter 11

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Sigma rule #11



A lot of curses could be heard in the elevator. A guy stood there with his fingers shoved into his pocket. While the other one was forced to hang onto that guy's shoulder.

"Ahh put me down!!" Jungkook screamed but the latter with a bored expression whistled as the elevator went up.

"Kim Taehyung! Put me down!" The boy  kept protesting, but the elder didn't bother to do anything. He casually dailed the password to entered the apartment.

The next moment, Taehyung threw Jungkook on the sofa. "You pineapple!" the brunette huffed and glared at the older one.

"Just because the walls are soundproof, doesn't mean you will be noisy like that," Taehyung tch'ed and looked away. " Why did you lift me up!?" Jungkook huffed again, not meaning to give up.

"Well, if you did not run in front of a dog? We wouldn't have gotten chased? AND I wouldn't have lifted you up? Small brains!" He exclaimed in the duh tone. "That's my issue, not yours," Jungkook scoffed and peered away once again. "Certainly I was just behind you," Taehyung lowly muttered and tried to hide his expressions by coughing. 

"Just admit it TaeTae, you're scared of street dogs." Taehyung stared at him for a second and then looked away. "It's not like-  you're not," he mumbled making Jungkook pout. "Whatever!" the younger lad responded throwing himself on Taehyung by rolling up his limbs around his waist once again. "What?" the sigma lifted his brows at his actions, teasingly. 

"Carry me to my room," He said with a sheepish grin. "You can't do anything without me," Taehyung flexed with a mockish grin. "I carried you home from school and now you need me to carry you to your room as well?" Taehyung teased him, not realizing the very fact that they were basically flirting.  "Whatever! you're my personal public transport," Jungkook uttered proudly with a large grin lingering on his lips. "You don't even need petrol or diesel." The younger patted and slapped his chest- one-two- a total of three times.

The older of them squealed internally and threw the younger again on the sofa before smacking his arse. "Ow!" Jungkook winced pouting. "What's with your palm!" the alpha complained, sulking. Taehyung without commenting threw his bag on the table as he entered the open kitchen. 

 The younger continued to sulk when he didn't get the attention he wanted from the elder one.  So, he jumped on the sofa to conquer that, but distracting a Sigma like always was a tough job. 

The former was peeling the apples when someone poked his cheek from the tip of the finger. "Hmm?" The elder hummingly inquired to which the younger replied, "I'm bored," only to get a hum again in response.

"What are you making?"

"hmm. . ."

Jungkook furiously peered at the elder before bouncing in the air and biting his beard cheek harshly. "Ow! Koo!!" the latter howled before running behind the person who dashed away with the speed of light towards his room.

"JUsT beCausE tHe rOom is soundproof iT doEsn'T mEaN yOu wiLL bE sO nOisy," The younger mocked and ran endlessly till he reached his room. He then twisted the knob to open the door— wait— he couldn't. Just then, he realized he had locked his room this morning. "Oh man holy, sheesh," he whispered when he felt a presence behind him. He awkwardly laughed turning around to Taehyung, who was holding the keys to his room. The sigma was intensely staring at him but just thereafter the younger gathered the courage to speak up—

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