Chapter 4

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UK, Diagon Alley

4 days before Harriet's birthday

Harriet heads into Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, looking around for the twins. She still wasn't worried about being recognized. Her shifted facial features changed hid her scar perfectly and instead of her short messy black hair she had long straight muddy brown hair. Her normal luminous green eyes were changed to a chocolate brown. She looks around in amazement, loving what they had done with the place.

She was impressed how far the twins had come. She was so happy she had given them that money, seeing they had put it to good use. Seeing the packed shop she is so worried what chaos McGonagall will deal with this year. She wanders around looking at everything on the shelves and decides she wanted to get a bit of everything, for emergencies only obviously (wink).

Feeling hands land on both her shoulders she jumps slightly in shock. Turing to look back seeing both the twins looking down at her. She suddenly feels herself being gently nudged to the back. She feels confused as they most definitely shouldn't recognise her. As they got into the backroom they locked the door before looking at her and smiling at her.

(F=Fred, G=George, H=Harriet)

G, "We are so glad to,"

F,G, "See you here."

They pull her into a tight hug as she is taken by surprise before hugging them back.

F, "Now do you mind taking,"

G, "The glamour off?"

H, "Well technically it isn't a glamour. How did you know it was me?"

She looks at them both as they smile at her, reminding her of the betrayal there family did to her. She didn't blame them though. She see's they exchange confused glances before looking back at her.

F, "Baby Prongs,"

G, "What are you saying?"

H, "It's complicated and long explanation. Maybe we can go over it tonight, privately?"

She looked at them sadly, she struggles trying to change her features back sand failing. They nod at her confused but smiling still.

F, "Well Little Sister,"

G, "It was obvious it was you,"

F, "it doesn't matter how you look,"

G, "We could sense your core the moment you walked into the shop,"

F, "Family can normally always sense each other when in close contact,"

F,G, "You must not have that sense well equipped yet."

H, "Umm I'm sorry. I do think of you as my family, I just don't have experience..."

She looked at them embarrassed and rubbing the back of her neck. They immediately hugged her again tightly. Trying to reassure her that they didn't mind and understood.

F, "Hey, It's alright,"

G, "We understand completely,"

F,G, "We are here for you remember."

They took her upstairs and settled her in their little apartment on a couch.

F, "We have got to head back to the shop. It's only open a few more hours open,"

G, "Then we can talk to you about everything,"

H, "Ok, I understand. No worries. Do you have some biscuits I can have with my meds?"

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