Chapter 56

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The next time Harriet awoke it was dark out and her scar was burning. Something it had not done in a while, ever since Tom found out she was his horcrux. She let out a slight whimper trying not to be loud as her hand rose to her head as if to help alleviate her pain. She closed her eyes. 'Are you alright?' She heard.

Her eyes snapped open as she looked around in surprise and alarm. Nothing, no one was around her though.  She closed her eyes again, thinking she just imagined it. 'I didn't mean to startle you.' she heard. 'Who is this?' She thinks back, thinking she is just playing herself as her scar throbs. 

"Really Harriet... You know who it is. Just think about it.' They thought back with a slight laugh. Harriet realized it quickly though. 'Tom?' She questions unsure. She swears she hears a smirk in his voice, 'You gave us quite a scare while in Sokovia...' He thinks back to her. She blanches in surprise. 'What? She questions back. 

He ignores her though. 'How are your soulmates treating you in the Avengers tower?' He says instead as Harriet shivers slightly...He is mad. 'Tom how do you know where I am?' Harriet questions worried. 'Do you know how worried I was when I felt your pain? The day you leave my care and enter your soulmates. Your lucky Narcissa convinced me not to move you while in a coma otherwise you would be with me right now.' He thinks to her.

Harriet sighs, he is way more protective that she originally thought. 'I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't even think I could.' Harriet thought almost absently. Tom's presence shutters slightly as If embarrassed. 'I didn't mean scared in that way just that I would lose my immortality slightly.' Tom responds quickly as if attempting to reassure himself more than her.  

'Right so how do you know where I am?' Harriet thinks back to him, slightly panicked. 'Well your soulmates can't protect you so obviously I must.' He responds in a huff, obviously pleased with himself. Harriet sighs. 'Ok better question how do you know where I am?' Harriet asks as Tom's presence shrinks slightly before coming back full force. 

'I have my sources. I am the big bad powerful dark lord.' Toms thinbks gleefully to her and she sighs. 'How is this marshmellow the same person that has tried to kill me so many times...' She thinks absently. 'Hey!" She hears him yell in her mind. Oppps. 'Right well big bad powerful dark lord. You didn't happen to let anyone else know where I am, right?' Harriet asks as he almost glares at her in his head. 

"Of course not. I'm not stupid. not that your staying there anymore anywhere.' He thinks to her and she imagines him pouting as she laughs lightly. 'What are you talking about. I'm staying with my soulmates.' Harriet thinks to him, annoyed though she understands. He huffs slightly, 'No, they can't seem to protect you so no. I'm coming to get you and your coming with me.' Tom things to her, pleased with himself. 

'I won't go with you.' Harriet thinks to him. Tom's presence feels offended. 'You pick them over me. We practically share a soul kinda. They can't protect you.' He thinks to her annoyed. 'Tom, I want to be with my soulmates and I made my own choices. It wasn't their fault. Just give them a chance, please Tom..' Harriet begs to him, knowing he had the power to take her if he really wanted to. 

'...They will have to do a lot of grovelling. I'll be there in a few days. But If I feel you hurt again...nothing will stop you..' He says with a dark tone as I feel him presence surround me before he was just gone. Finally her scar calms down and she breathes a sigh of relief. 'This is gonna be interesting.' she thinks absently. 

'How will I explain this to my soulmate.' Harriet thinks while she is alone again. She slowly dozes off as her worries dim. 'Hopefully Tom likes my soulmates.' She thinks, feeling strange as to why she cares what he thinks. 

(How is it?)

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