Chapter 72

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Harriet POV

I wake up to loud noises and bangs. I get up and sway slightly before having a long drink of water. I rub my head slightly before opening the door and walking slowly towards the noise. I see the Malfoys, Tom, Remus, Sirius and several other death eaters and my soulmates. They seem to be arguing. I watch curiously. 

"What's going on?" I ask looking at the group. They become silent immediately, turning towards me. "Oh thank god your ok." Pietro say's speeding past the group and right up in front of me. I take a step back in shock before smiling at him. "You remember me, right?" He asks with big puppy pleading eyes. Of course I remember him, he was part of the memory Tom saw yesterday after all. 

"Yeah, Pietro isn't it?" I ask in an almost questioning tone. His smile glows brightly as he pulls me into a hug. "Yes! I knew I'd be the one you'd be most likely to remember." He says smugly before pulling back as I look over the group. I recognise almost everyone. "Oi back off you muggle she is still recovering!" Tom yells at Pietro. 

"Or what?" Pietro asks pulling my back flush against his chest. Tom looks about ready to kill him. "Tom no hurting my soulmates." I say pointing down at him. He almost pouts but it was gone too quickly for me to be sure. "Pietro release Harriet she is still healing." Strange says as he stares us down. Pietro seems to give in and goes back over to the group. "How are you feeling little one?" Loki asks as he steps forward a bit, Wanda right behind him. 

I don't remember them being this close. "I'm alright, my head is just pounding a bit." I say as I walk closer to the group. I start feeling a bit dizzy as I lean against the wall a bit. Remus and Sirius are watching me looking nervous. "Hey maybe you should sit down sweetheart." Tony says looking unsure. 

I shake my head. "No, I'm alright." I say quietly. I move away from the wall and closer to the group and then I feel my head pound and next thing I know are hands wrapped around me catching me before I hit the floor. I look up at an unfamiliar face. I squint my eyes did I forget him? "Got you, are you alright?" He asks me and I feel a familiar sting on my wrist. "Did I forget you?" I ask him confused. 

He smiles at me, "Nope. Technically we haven't met yet but I've heard a lot about you little soulmate." He says. My eyes widen as I look at my wrist. "Peter Parker?" I say unsure as he smiles. "Yep now lets settle you down somewhere." He says as he stands up with me in his arms. I can't help the small blush as Tom leads the group to the living room. Peter sets me down next to him

"So what were you all talking about before I came out?" I ask the group. Tom looks away, avoiding my gaze. "Well Tom was kindly explaining to your soulmates why he can't trust them with you and why they couldn't see you." Sirius says with a slight smirk. "Snitch." Tom murmurs. I face palm. "Really Tom. I know your protective but they won't hurt me." I say to him. "Well I don't want them near you, you deserve better." Tom huffs out. I sigh, I'm not going to win this fight. Not while I'm this emotionally exhausted. So I glare at Tom as I cuddle into Peter. 

(Sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoy.)

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