Chapter 43

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Peverell Mansion

Harriet woke up, glad to finally be home. She had a healthy breakfast after the house elf's all checked on her and she had her meds. She went through all the studies and work to catch up on work she missed while in England. She then decided to check the news on her laptop in the computer room.

The first thing that seemed to pop up everywhere was THE AVENGERS. She had no idea so she clicked on it so see a loads of news reports of the battle of new York. Apparently they all live in the avengers tower now, which used to be stark tower. 'who are the avengers though' she asked herself as she scrolled down to see reports.

The Avengers : Iron man, Black Widow, Thor, Loki, Captain America, Hawkeye, Hulk, Sapphire Dragon

'Wait I'm an avenger and called Sapphire Dragon. How did they come up with that? Was it the blue scaled armour?' She thought to herself tiredly. She then finally checked her phone which she hadn't done in a while. 'whoa that's a lot of messages from Phil' she thought embarrassed as she decided to just call him.

(P: Phil Coulson, H:Harriet)

P: Oh thank fucking god your alive! 

H: uhm yeah, sorry I left my phone here while I was in England.

P: I thought your soulmates were gonna kill me and that you were dead. Don't scare me like that.

H: Sorry I was completely out for like a week too. Sorry if my soulmates bothered you. 

P: Right ok just please don't do that again. You scared me.

H: I'll try not to, how is everything else going?

P: its going well though I'm still concerned about being killed so when are you going to talk to them?

H: Soon I gotta sort out some stuff from home first.

P: alright just don't wait to long please. I gotta go now.

H: Wait, I need updates and to know what's going on. 

P: I'll send you the files.

Before she could respond he hung up on her. She sighed before going back to studying. While she was practicing her potions, she noticed two letters she had left on her desk. One from minister Fudge and the other from Madame Bones. She realises it might be for the trial, so she decides to actually read them. She opened Fudge's letter first.

Dear Lady Potter

I am incredibly sorry for the past year and my not believing you. I hope you understand that I just didn't wish the relive the war all over again and I pushed that onto you which I am sorry for. I would like you to know that we are taking your accusations seriously and we have checked the information with your relatives and unfortunately it was all true so I apologize to you that this happened.

This is a serious case and we will need your statement eventually before headmaster Dumbledore's trail. On a better note Sirius Black will have a trial soon after all we are pretty sure he is innocent since we have Peter Pettigrew. Again we must apologize since you told us that a few years ago. Please contact me or Madame Bones soon about making a statement.

Kind regards

Minster Fudge.

She laughs, 'Yeah he knows he fucked up. At least is finally taking it seriously." she thinks to herself. She sighs putting it down, she really didn't want to make another statement. She looked at the other letter and slowly opened it, unsure now.

To Lady Potter

I know there is a chance you won't even see this but I would like to ask if there is a chance you can return here temporarily to make some statements to give us more evidence against Dumbledore as without that we might not be able to give him appropriate punishment on his knowledge of your situation. Please appreciate that I do not wish to do that as I know his crimes are probably worse than I am aware. Please inform me of what you wish to do about this soon. I hope to see you soon.


Madame Bones

She smiled 'at least this woman wanted to help her' she thinks at least. She considers writing her a letter back but is concerned on it being intercepted. She gets distracted from that thought seeing the Diary that Voldemort gave her glowing. She looks confused but opens it.

(V: Voldemort, H: Harriett, U: Unknow writing) (Try and guess who it is.)

V: Hey I hope your doing alright. I have been informed that Sirius Black is getting a trial just like you wanted. Are you planning on attending it?

H: I am considering it but Sirius asked me not so I'm not sure.

V: I was told that Madame Bones wants your statement for Dumbledore's trial.

H: Yeah I know, its another reason I am considering it.

The handwriting changes.

U: you should go, we can talk to you afterwards.

H: Who are you and why would I want to do that.

U: Not important and because we can answer the questions you still have.

H: I'll consider it.

She closes the notebook, 'that was weird' she thinks to herself feeling strange. Then an alarm goes off on her phone about an attack and she changes into her blue dragon skin armour and changes her features before heading off. 


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