Chapter 49

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Hydra Base

The Avengers team decided to split up to go to different areas of the base to attempt to get into the base from a back entrance. As Clint decides to get a little closer he sees another underground bunker. He attempts to take it out with a shot but nothing happens. It was intercepted somehow. Clint looks on in shock and confusion.

He goes to fire another shot but gets knocked down before he gets a chance to do so. A person moving faster than possible and literally looked like a blur was responsible. Clint groans, getting up as Pietro slows to walk in front of him. He smirks down at Clint. "Bet you didn't see that coming." Pietro says cockily.

Clint just looks up at him concerned as he instinctively grabs his wrist, rubbing it as it stings. If Pietro noticed he didn't say anything and Clint didn't get a chance to respond as he speeds off in a blur. Before Clint could even fully get off the ground the bunker shot at him. He fell forwards, his side bleeding out as he pants.

Natasha obviously noticed as she yells out, "Clint!" as everyone on the comms heard and gets concerned. Natasha ran straight towards Clint, narrowly avoiding the bunker. "Clint's hit!" Natasha calls over the comms worried. Natasha checks him out, emergency patch up was needed till they got him back to the jet. She gives him a quick patch up that wasn't good but would do.

As the bunker fires at them repeatedly, Natasha gets annoyed. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker." She says frustrated. A loud rawr was heard as Hulk barrels straight into it, destroying it for her. "Thank you." Natasha says with a smile. Clint groans as she patches him up, finally he gets the energy to speak. "Speedy enhanced in the field...He is our soulmate.." Clint says tiredly as Natasha looks shocked.

"Did you all hear that?" Natasha asks over the comms. Upon hearing affirmatives she nods to herself. "Well that's just great." Tony says sarcastically over the comms. The speedster takes this moment to run into Steve knocking him over and running straight off. Steve sighs. "Stark we really need to get inside already now." Steve says annoyed that one of his soulmates is heard and another was fighting them.

"I'm working on it." Tony says irritated. Tony lands on an adjoining building firing at the Hydra agents attacking him. "Jarvis do you see a power source for that shield?" Tony asks checking again another building. "There is a particle wave below the north tower." Jarvis responds as Tony flies over to the north tower and fires at it until the shield breaks on the base.

"Drawbridge is down people." Tony informs them as Natasha gets Clint back to the jet with Bucky's help. Loki meeting them there to help heal Clint. "Find my scepter please." Loki says over the comms as he starts healing Clint. Thor and Steve though head inside to help Tony. "And for god darn sake watch your language people." Tony says Jokingly.

Steve sighs, "That's not going away anytime soon." He mutters to himself. Tony gets inside and after knocking out the agents inside he starts downloading all of their files to his drive. Natasha leaves Loki alone to heal Clint as she heads over to Bruce to help him calm down. With Natasha's help it didn't take nearly as long.

It was at this time Steve finds Strucker. He attacks Strucker. "How many enhanced do you have here?" Steve asked him as Strucker smirks up at him. Wanda then knocks Steve down the stairs away from Strucker. Though at Strucker's gesture she retreats out a door before Steve has a chance to do anything. "We have a second enhanced. Female." Steve says over the comms to the team.

Thor goes after her as Steve stays with Struker. He manages to approach her before she put her hands up in front of him, red mist surrounding them. He stopped, putting his hands up in surrender. "Hey, its alright. We don't wish to harm you." He says to her, calm for Thor. She grabs her wrist in confusion, rubbing it. "Your one of my soulmates..." She whispers as Thor rubs his wrist in shock.

Before they could talk more, the blur that is their other soulmate grabbed her and rushed her away from Thor as he looks on hurt before heading back to Steve, still rubbing his wrist. They catch up with Tony, clearing out a lot of the stuff to their jet. They leave the rest for shield to sort out. After they arrive the Avengers leave. On the way back they start looking over the files. Finding their soulmates. 

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