Chapter 11

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The Ministry

As Tonks and Kingsley arrive at the ministry, they are nervous and unsure. Being immediately called to Amelia Bone's office definitely didn't help them at all. They walked to her office, looking at pretty much everyone they pass reading Harriet's letter. It has changed everything that's for sure.

Walking into her office they are met with Bones tired face and a large stack of letters. "So do you two happen to know anything about Harriet's letter?" She asks looking between the both of them frustrated, though obviously not with them. Seeing them both looking at each other and ignoring her question she sighs.

"Ok more importantly, is this real?" Amelia asks, looking at them pleadingly, almost begging them to claim it as false. Tonks looks at the floor and then back up at her. "unfortunately, it is very real and she is very gone." Tonks says embarrassed.

"Ok I won't say we don't deserve this. Let's just go to what we know. One, Sirius black didn't get a trail so that needs to be sorted. Two, we need to check this abuse case and her magical guardian Dumbledore. He will have to be held responsible." She says, seemly nervous, but going against dumbledore is dangerous. They both nodded in understanding but didn't tell her what he said, not wanting to incriminate him more as he is needed in this war, so they stand a chance.

"Right well Fudge has called me to his office for a meeting to talk about all this, so anything else I should know about?" She asks them, a no nonsense serious look on her face. "Well technically Harriet is 17 so we can't force her back." Tonks says much quieter than normal. Amelia sighs and struggles not to facepalm. "Yes I'm aware, have you spoken to Dumbledore yet?" She asks before realising, they wouldn't answer that. She got up and dismissed them before heading to fudges office. 

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