Chapter 31

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Shield base

The team of Tony, Natasha, Steve and Thor met up at the base. They ran into Bruce who they greeted fondly except Thor. The two stared at each other, "Who are you?" Bruce asked him confused. Thor looked offended as he feels his wrist sting and stares at Bruce confused. "I'm Thor," Thor says as then Bruce rubbed his wrist slightly. "You too." Bruce says to him as Thor looks offended again. 

Before they could continue Fury stormed in their direction. His aura fiery even though his facial expression was blank. "Explain to me how you lost Loki." Fury said to them angrily. Natasha sighed a looked back at the 'boys'. The said 'boys' avoided eye contact with her. "The children were fighting." She said to Fury as he sighed.

"Whatever just be prepared we believe his plan is almost ready to go." Fury said before walking off clearly frustrated. Tony turns and glares at Natasha and Thor, "Hey! Its not my fault someone let Loki free." He says to them arrogantly. Thor looks at him offended, " I was just taking my brother home you were the one that sent us flying away from him allowing him to escape." He justifies. Steve sighs done with both his soulmates, they had been like this the whole trip there.

"You both at fault. Lets just leave it at that, alright?" Steve says to them. Both the men pout at him but nod agreeing. A couple of hours pass as the soulmates get to know each other. Bruce and Tony talking science as Natasha attempts to help Steve and Thor with technology and tells them about Clint. They get to know each other better and Thor even tells them stories of his childhood.

Later on

An alarm suddenly goes off distracting them. They jump up to attention and run quickly to the command deck. Fury looks pissed and though it wasn't visible you could feel it from his aura. He turned to them "Loki has launched an attack on New York and he has backup. As the avenger's initiative you need to fight it. Its going on in New York, midtown Manhattan by Stark tower. It seems to be centred there. Agent Barton is there too still controlled" Fury says to them.

The team seems divided on the issue but hearing that not one but two of there soulmates is there they agree to go. Just as they were about to rush off Fury continues. "Agent Coulson has assigned an extra to give you a hand. Don't expect her to work with you specifically but she will help. You have an army to fight off after all." He finishes.

They rush off, understanding but not really thinking much of it. They were more concerned about Barton after all. They discussed plans and possibilities to each other. As they approached the area they saw a large black hole in the sky with lots of aliens flowing out of it.

Finally they started jumping out and started there plan. Battling the aliens while evacuating as many people as possible and marking an area that the aliens don't cross. Keeping them as contained as possible.

Things are about the get interesting

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