Chapter 67

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Dumbledore POV (bet you weren't expecting this)

That little brat has ruined all my plans. She has turned the order against me. She has given the death eaters ammo against me. She freed Sirius from under my hold. Ok I need to calm down and think rationally here. I can't let her free. If I can get Harriet back under my hold I can change her memories and then have her testify in court for me under Veritaserum.

Two birds with one stone. I can get my perfect weapon back to destroy Voldemort and get out of law using her. Right first I will have to find her. The minute you step back onto English soil I will know Harriet Potter. 

Harriet POV

I look back over at Natasha who just gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze. I smile at her before slowly getting up as she follows. "We should let the others know your friend is coming to get us." Nat says. "Umm yeah lets go let them know." I say, knowing the truth that if the others find out that Tom and Voldemort are the same person they may attack him. 

I did tell them that Lord Voldemort attacking me wasn't entirely his fault and that he won't attack me now but I can't blame them for being cautious. They have every reason to be. I walk out with her to the others. "Wow what took you guys so long?" Tony asks as Nat and Clint make eye contact, talking non verbally to each other.

"Sorry." I mumble as Natasha tightens her arm around my shoulders. "It's no worries. Harriet has got a friend to come and meet us. Isn't that nice?" Nat says as she gives the group a glare around until they all agree with her. I smile as we seemingly have innocent chatter until Tom arrives. 

I feel his familiar comforting aura before I see him. Nat seems to notice my shift in movement as I relax in her arm and instantly looks around. As Tom comes into view my eyes shift to him. He smiles and seems to pick up pace. Soon he is in front of us and instantly takes me from Nat's arms. 

She glares at him but lets me go as I slum in his grip. "Harriet, how are you doing?" He asks instantly, checking me over for injures as I giggle. "I already told you I'm fine." I respond, he looks at me. "Yes well your definition of fine and mine are quite different. Your definition includes going into a fight with a broken rib. Mine is insuring I'm medically healthy first." He says as he fixes me with a glare. I huff slightly but can't really refute that. 

"I'm sorry she did what now?" Tony asks looking shocked. Strange fixes both me and him with a glare and then the whole group. "I would love to say this is news but lots of them do that." Strange says, shaking his head disappointed. Tom just shook his head. "Well anyway, Nice to meet you all I'm Tom. Think of me as Harriet's older brother who already has assessed you all as unworthy." Tom says with a smirk. 

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