Chapter 8

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Harriet's Birthday

At Hogwarts

Severus Snapes office

Severus is eating breakfast in his office as he is making lesson plans for the coming new year. Hearing a pop he looks up, seeing a house elf. "Elsie has a letter for Professor Snape, an owl gave it to me." She hands him the two letters and pops away. He sighs tiredly before opening the first letter, the one to all magical Britain.

His face slowly turning paler as he goes white. Shock entering his eyes. How had he missed the signs of abuse? He knows all the signs having been abused himself. He never misses when his Slytherins had been abused. Did he really let his hatred of James make him oblivious of Lily's daughters' pain? Now she was leaving and he didn't even have a chance to apologize. 

All those times he thought she was being smart or spoilt or above of everyone else, she wasn't. He seriously didn't see her pain. He drops the letter after looking at the memories and pictures attached. Tears entering in his eyes as he desperately tries to bring his mind walls back up. Looking at the other letter cautiously.

Picking the letter up, seeing the Gringotts seal on a piece of paperwork and a small note attached. He reads the paperwork first, though his eyes are drawn to a single line on her Gringotts birth certificate she sent to him.

'Lady Lily Potter appoints Severus Snape as Harriet Potters Godfather of Choice.'

He feels tears in his eyes again as he finally realises that Lily indeed forgave him, all that pain and guilt he held onto and she had already forgiven him. Though he failed her, and his goddaughter and he didn't protect her. That must change now though. He must do better. He looks at the note and slowly opens it.

She forgave you. She made you my godfather and I just want you to know I don't blame you. You didn't know. Though I must warn you, don't trust Dumbledore and get a body scan done at Gringotts as soon as you can. Be careful, as a double agent you need to stay focused. 

He smiles slightly as he sees that, hiding the letter as he gets up and heads to the staff room to discuss what he now knows with Minerva. He knew he would have to talk to Voldemort about it later and he was concerned what would happen. 

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