Chapter 13

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Slytherin mansion

Lord Voldemort's Office

He had just finished reading Harriet's letter to magical Britain, looking slightly conflicted but laughing outright at the girls gall and straightforward wording. He was surprised at the treatment she was given as he hadn't expected it. 'we are the same.' He thinks to himself, feeling bad again. He'd been feeling bad a lot since Severus had helped him get his humanity back. ' Why wasn't she in Slytherin though? She would have been protected.' He thinks to himself.

He puts the letter down, rubbing his head sadly. 'If she has truly left though hopefully I won't have to hurt her. I hope this isn't a scheme by Dumbledore.' He thinks to himself, suddenly hearing a pecking at the window. He looks over and swishes his hand as his magic opens the window letting the owl in. he takes the letter off it and watches it sit as if waiting for a response. He lays back in his seat and opens up the letter.

To the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort, Tom Riddle, He who must not be named, Lord Slytherin. The person with just as many stupid names as me.

Do these titles ever get annoying or boring to you. I know they do for me. Well lets get into this, I don't have a lot of time. I put off writing this till the last minute, I guess I was scared. If you think my leaving is a play, it truly isn't. I'm done with all of this, prophecy by damned. I just don't care anymore.

I just want a normal happy life. I want to meet my soulmate or soulmates and be happy. You can take over, rule, control Britain I don't care and if I'm being honest I've never really cared. Do whatever you want there I'm just asking one thing from you. Please don't come after me, just leave me out of all of it. I want nothing to do with it. There are very few I even still care about in the London any more.

I'm leaving Britain and I don't plan on coming back any time soon. I never wanted this. When Hagrid saved me from my relatives he told me I was special and fed me a bunch of lies and I believed him. I was desperate for love and approval. I hate to say that but I was a child and I'd just learned that I had magic. It was the same for you, wasn't it?

I was supposed to be a Slytherin. The hat told me I'd be safe there that they would accept me and if I hadn't met Ronald and Draco right before the sorting I would have gone there. Ronald was my first ever friend and I just wanted his approval, when he told me all Slytherin were evil and horrible and you'd come from there I wanted to be the opposite. I was so naïve back then.

Not that any of that matters anymore though. It's done and over now as much as I wish I'd taken Draco's hand in first year I can't go back in time. Just like I can't go back in time and take your deal and give you the stone as much as I wish I could. If I'd given you the stone everything would be so much better.

I know we never saw eye to eye and I rejected you time and time again but I'd like if not a chance to join you but a chance to be left alone away from Britain. I'm planning to live my life away from Britain, to find my soulmates and have some peace away from Britain. Magical Britain has brought me nothing but pain.

I've been thinking I would have been safer with you or at least in Slytherin where they would have possibly shunned me but at least protected me. Oh did you also know I'm your heir. I'm not entirely sure how but that's kinda cool. Lastly I've been a little scared to say this because it shocked and worried the goblins but I'm hoping it will make your less likely to kill me. I'm a horcrux whatever that is and apparently your horcrux. Kinda hoping you'll tell me what that means? 

To end this letter just a piece of advice if nothing else, you should get yourself and your death eaters a medical scan done at Gringotts you may find out somethings you wouldn't expect. If nothing else I respect you and trust you'll look after your own. Goodluck with what's coming. Dumbledore isn't a good guy.


The girl who lived, Harriet Potter, Heir Slytherin, The chosen one, Lady Potter. One of the only people with as many names as you.

He puts her letter down, slightly concerned how she'd prefer to be with his crazy self than dumbledore. 'He must be even worse than he realized, what did she mean about Ronald though?' He sighs and rubs his face tiredly, not sure how to deal with all this new information. He remembers how insane he used to be, Snape didn't just fix his looks after all.

He considers everything she just told him, 'If she is really my horcrux I need to protect her, so her just leaving maybe isn't the for the best right now. But if I force her back and stop the dream, she is searching for she will hate me even more and I don't want to ruin her dream.' He knows he now can't risk her being killed and knows slightly why Dumbledore treats her like that. 'He already considers her a goner.'

He sighs looking at the owl as he grabs some parchment and some ink. Looking down at her letter to help him reply.

Dear girl who lived, chosen one, heir Slytherin, lady potter, Harriet potter.

I have grown long used to having lots of different names and ways that people refer to me. Though I remember its exhaustion, so I understand you in that sense. I'm glad to hear your leaving isn't just a ploy as I do not wish to hurt you. Though I am a little curious about what the prophecy actually says, do you happen to know? I could make a deal about it with you.

I know you don't personally believe it but I'd still like to hear it, I mean Dumbledore obviously believes it and I don't think he is dumb. I understand the feeling of wanting a normal happy life, I used to want that to, but I've lost hope of finding my soulmate. I swear to you if you truly don't plan to fight me, I won't fight you. Though if you're telling the truth about being my horcrux I will have to know where you are to protect you. I'd be happy to explain it if you can prove you are one. 

I do know that you are no reason to trust me though right now. We are the same though in some ways and as such I would like to offer a peace offering, give me five names and I will guarantee their safety.

Though I would like the names and address of your relatives in exchange, I don't appreciate child abusers. I am curious though, is that one of the reasons the hat suggested you go to Slytherin. The hat does normally suggest those hurt and abused to go to Slytherin as they will protect them. What did Dumbledore do? If I might ask?

It matters to me, that you want a second chance. I'm sure Malfoy would still like to be your friend if that's what you want. Don't worry about are past experiences personally as I only recently got my sanity back so it's good you didn't join me back then. I probably would have hurt you anyway. Ill take your advice though and get some of us checked at Gringotts.

Kind regards

Tom Riddle, the Dark lord, Lord Slytherin, Lord Voldemort, He who must not be named.

He tied the letter to the owls leg and watched it fly off to who knows where. He assumed it would fly straight to Harriet, obviously not aware of some precautions she has made. He got up and headed to the floo aware they would want to speak to him about what to do now. Deciding he would call a death eater meeting that night. 

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