Chapter 17

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Outside of New York, at a different Shield base

A few days after Natasha's mission started Clint is desperate to meet his other two soulmates but knew he didn't have time until after this mission. Desperate to get it over with as soon as possible Clint made sure he was ready to go and was now just waiting for Fury and a few lower guards. He sighed tiredly, checking his phone to see a text for Natalie. 'Hey Love, just checking in to make sure your alright. I hope this mission isn't too long. See you soon.' He smiled seeing her message and replied, 'I'm alright, hopefully this mission isn't a long one too. I hope everything is going well with Tony. See you soon,' he replied.

Just as soon as he put the phone away, he heard Fury arrive with the other guards. They headed out, the long 3-hour drive sucked but at least he had his phone with him. As they arrived at the base he left all the lower guards outside as they didn't have a high enough clearance. He headed inside meeting the doctor and a large bunch of scientists.

He is introduced to everyone before he was left behind to guard the station, with some issues going on he was asked to watch and keep Fury informed. Nothing much happened for a few weeks, Clint was getting generally annoyed now as he just wanted to meet his other soulmates. even though the other one wasn't getting out of college for a few weeks. 

Then an alarm went off. Power that was turned off was coming back on and the tesseract was controlling itself. He couldn't even laugh as the doctor called it 'playing up'. He immediately messaged Fury. A few hours later Fury arrived and was talking to the doctor as he watched from his nest near the roof as he could see everything.

As Fury asked about him, he headed down and walked over to him as the doctor checked some readings. "So how is everything doing?" Fury asked Clint head on. "Everything looks good, nothing has happened on this end." He said, just wanting everything to be over. Fury looked confused, "This end?" he asked. "Yeah, the cube is the doorway to the other end of space, right? Doors open from both sides." He said matter of factly. Though confused how he figured that out himself.

Suddenly the cube spiked and the ground shook under them as everyone started to get more worried and tried to sort everything out. Maria and Phil with the lower-level guards looked up in shock from next to the car, obviously concerned. A portal started opening, the beautiful colours blending as it was getting bigger sand bigger till it was the size of a rather large person.

Then it exploded outwards, hitting the floor and walls knocking everyone over. Leaving a person behind in its wake. Clint looked up shocked as he saw the mans glowing blue eyes, the same colour as the tesseract. He immediately gets up and aims his arrow at the figure from his bow as everyone else gets up, many scientists rushing out. The doctor grabs the tesseract and puts it in a briefcase, ready to leave then he heard the figure speak.

The man looked tired, beat up and clearly not himself, at least that's how he looked to Clint. Clint was obviously more experienced at looking through masks than most. A few guards slowly approached him as he stood up to his full height. He was holding a staff of some kind before Clint could say anything he heard Fury speak.

"Sir, put down the spear!" Fury shouted out. He watched the man looking around curiously before his eyes brightened and his face was fixed to the doctor holding the briefcase. Looking back down at his spear as if considering it before throwing it forward and blue light coming out and hitting some guards in the chest. Immediately the guards started firing at him but Clint couldn't bring himself to fire at him. (enter epic fight scene of Loki firing and fighting multiple guards). As Clint finally brought himself to start fighting him, the bow and arrows were knocked right off him. Forcing him to hand-to-hand combat.

As he was trapped against the wall Clint looked him face to face if it wasn't for the situation his heart would have fluttered. "You have heart." Loki says to him as he gets surprised as his wrist tingles and the words changed on his wrist to his name. Looking down he felt the spear was pointed at his chest and he felt blue veins appear over his body before his eyes went black and he was no longer in control. 

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