Chapter 41

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New York, Midtown Manhattan

Peter had just left to head back to college and with the bridge recently fixed Thor and Loki successfully headed to Asgard. Loki didn't want to but Thor convinced him because Frigga wanted to see him. Natasha and Clint didn't want to but they had to head to shield for missions. Steve was taken to the base as they helped him learn about life now and taught him so if he wanted to he could join shield. This only left Bruce and Tony alone in the apartment in avengers tower.

A while later

Natasha heads to Fury's office meeting Clint inside. That made her hide a smile as she likes going on missions with him. "A string of bombings having been going off in new York recently. A terrorist known as Mandarin has been responsible for them. Though these aren't ordinary bombs, are research has showed that they are triggered by their soldiers whose bodies explode for some unknown reason." Fury tells them.

"So what do you want us to do?" Clint asked him professionally. "I need you both to head there destroy the organisation while it is still small and gather all the information on their projects before destroying it." Fury tells them. "Alright, anything else?" Natasha asks. Fury indicates there wasn't and they headed out.

They arrived and happily headed back to Avengers tower while in disguise to not be swarmed by people as they headed inside and up the apartment section where they see Tony, Bruce and James Rhodes enjoying a coffee as they chat. Upon noticing their guests Tony rushed over to them before attempting to act cool in front of his friends as he gave them a hug. Inviting them over for a drink.

"I thought you two were meat to be at work. What are you doing here?" Tony asks. Natasha looks at Rhodes unsure before explaining their issue. Bruce, Tony and Rhodes exchange glances between each other unsure. "What?" Clint asked confused. Tony sighs, "We have been tracking them for a while, we were planning an attack tomorrow after they sent Happy to the hospital in a coma." Tony tells them.

"Happy is in a coma!" Clint shouts angrily in shock. "Unfortunately." Bruce says sadly. "Tell us everything." Natasha says calmly as she sips her coffee. Rhodes and Tony tell her the plan and everything including their base. Natasha smirks and agrees to help. She would focus on getting the data, Clint would focus on knowing their people out. Tony would be the distraction and Rhodes would work on destruction. Bruce would control some of the individual empty suits. Plan set they just enjoy the time together.

Tomorrow evening

Tony and Rhodes successfully sneaked into the base without their suits for now as they wanted to keep a low profile for now. Natasha sneaking into their base and Clint protecting them from above. "Not gonna freak out on me are you, right?" Rhodes asked. "I hope not." Tony says honestly, a little nervous. They slowly head further into the base unnoticed. "Keep your gun up." Rhodes says to him and Tony puts his gun up, "what do you want me to do?" Tony asked. "Stay on my 6 cover high and don't shoot me in the back." Rhodes says to him as he keeps an eye on their surroundings.

Suddenly someone shoots at them but before any damage was done to them the person fell over with a arrow in his back. Unfortunately, it was too late an alarm was already blaring and people were heading their way. Tony and Rhodes shooting at them with their guns and Clint shooting them with arrows.

"I'd kill for some armour right now Tony." Rhodes said, looking at him out of the corner of his eye. "Working on it." Tony said as he was pressing buttons on his watch. Multiple lights could be seen approaching them through the air. Then slowly got closer and Rhodes recognized them. "Is that?" Rhodes asks surprised as Tony nodded slightly amused.

An army of Iron man suits got closer and surrounded the entire area in a matter of seconds. Clint and Rhodes were in shock at the sheer amount as Tony smirked slightly. "Alright Bruce, Jarvis aim at the extreme heat signatures and eliminate them before they have a chance to explode." Tony says over the intercom. (epic fight scene happens)

Tony and Rhodes stand up as suits come to them and 'eat' them into the suits. They start fining at the people, Clint doing the same from the shadows. They keep destroying everything until the hear Natasha over the intercom, "I've got it all, time to blow this place up." A suit then went and collected her and Clint and flew them back to the tower as they blew the place until nothing and nobody escaped before flying back to the tower. Glad that was over with. 

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