Chapter 30

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Peverell Manor

Her classes have been going well, the tutors went right back to the beginning and taught her from there and now her knowledge and learning has gotten so much better. Without the stress of 'the best school in Britain' her abilities have grown to lengths she didn't even think before.

Leaving Britain was the best decision she had probably ever made. She saw her mailbox glowing. It was constantly glowing, obviously her leaving hadn't gone down yet. She went through the letters, making a collection of the ones with spells on and the ones with none. The ones with none she wouldn't read unless she recognizes the writing on the ones with spells one. She ignored the ones from Dumbledore, Molly Weasley and Ronald Weasley.

She see letters from Kingsley, Tonks and Madame bones. That seems interesting. She saves them for later. Let them wait. Finally she finds the parcel she was looking for, she opened it excited. It's the mirror the one connected to Sirius and Remus's. She then felt nerves eating to her, she tried to brave herself, "Padfoot, Moony." She says holding the mirror as it mists up and suddenly Sirius's face appears on the mirror. He looks frantic.

(H: Harriet, R: Remus, S: Sirius)

S: Prongslet! I miss you! My baby!!!

R: Padfoot hand it over now!

S: No! You can't have her!

R: Let her see both of us at least.

The mirror was adjusted so she could see both of them.

R: Have you been eating properly? Are you alright?

H: Hey Padfoot, Moony. Yes I have been eating well. I'm perfectly alright.

R: Have you been taking care of yourself?

H: Yes remmy.

S: We've missed you! When can we visit you?

H: Once everything has calmed down you can join Mischeif and Mayhem to visit me.

S: Yesss!!! I can't wait!

R: Everything has been crazy since you left. Though the order has agreed to leave you alone until after the war.

H: Wait really?

S: Yeah, isn't it great.

H: Perfect.

After talking for a bit more they had to leave to go to order meeting. She felt bad that they had to go and actually missed them. After lunch and her meds, which were helping her putting some weight on and growing muscles, she decided to practice her Animagus form a bit more. She was slowly but surely making progress with her transformations.

A few hours later her new phone rings, She picks it up it was Agent Phil Coulson.

(P: Phil, H: Harriett)

P: Hey 'Violet'. As I asked earlier though I didn't want to call you yet we need your help.

H: sure I guess? What is it?

P: An attack in new York, Midtown, Manhattan. Aliens.

H: Great... When?

P: Now.

H: Alright then. But you owe me some good shit for helping with this. I was busy.

P: Alright send me your price later.

She hangs up and gets changed and changes her features before leaving.

She hangs up and gets changed and changes her features before leaving

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