Chapter 58

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The next morning Harriet awoke surrounded by her soulmates bodies. She slowly got up, aching a little knowing she just needed her potions and she would feel right as rain. As she got to the main room she saw the lift coming up. 

As it arrived at the top; Natasha, Clint and Tony walked out with hot drinks and a tray of breakfast croissant's and bacon. They looked surprised to see her awake. "Morning little sun, how are you feeling this morning?" Natasha asks as she comes straight over after putting the food and drink down in the kitchen.  

Clint follows straight behind Natasha. "What are you doing up so early? You need to rest more darling." Clint says as he gently rubs Harriet's shoulder. Tony watches slightly from the kitchen, looking a little unsure at approaching. 

"I'm alright, I'm still no used to laying in to be honest..." Harriet says a little nervous as she rubs the back of her neck. "Tony, are you alright?" Harriet says a little unsure. Tony looks at her in slight surprise. "Oh I ummm I'm alright Sweetheart." Tony says as Natasha and Clint look over at him with a slight smile. 

They sat down and had some coffee as they chatted waiting for the others to wake up. Slowly one by one the soulmates drifted into the room. Drinking coffee and eating croissants and bacon. They also had some toast and pop tarts. 

A while later Tony stood up at the table. "I believe we all need a break. Pack a bag as we are leaving tonight to do some of our bucket list items we were talking about yesterday." Tony says with a pleased expression as the others look unsure and confused. 

"Wait. But Harriet is still healing.." Bruce says unsure as he looks at her. "I'm perfectly fine, I've told you this." Harriett says, feeling conflicted as Tom said he was coming here soon. "She said she is alright and we will be careful. Come on we need a break. If we stay here Fury will be here soon to send us on one mission or another." Tony says as he looks around at his soulmates, knowing they should agree. 

Thor and Loki look at each other. "Tony we will side with you if after this trip you all come to Asgard with us. Freya wants to meet you all."  Thor says as Loki nods. Bucky looks between them before nodding. "Sounds like a good idea to me." Bucky says. Pietro and Wanda agree. Stephan nods agreeing also and they all split up to pack. 

Harriett going to Stephan before he can leave. "Can you drop me off at my house to pack before you pack at yours?" Harriett asks as he avoids eye contact with her. "You know you made the right choice, right? It was better than letting on of the others die." Harriet says honestly to him. He looks to her confused. "How did you...?" He asks. 

"Did you really think the others wouldn't tell me?" Harriet asks. Stephan looks down almost embarrassed. "I'm sorry Harriet.." He says to her. She rubs his shoulder slightly. "Don't be. Thanks to you we are all safe." She says as he nods before opening the portal to her house and then leaving her there. 

She calls the house elf's and they help her pack her magic room filled bag. She takes several of her potions as it helps her heal faster. She grabs her diary's seeing both had been spammed with messages as they are glowing persistently. 

She opens the twins one first.

How are your classes going?

Are you alright?

What are you up to?

Your really missing out lately.

Have you seen the newspaper recently?

Have you used your mirror lately to talk to Sirius?

Everyone is really worried about you.

Lord Voldemort tried to get us to tell him where you are but we don't know. 

What is going on?

She looked at the book feeling really bad and knew they would know she read them.

So sorry I haven't messaged. I'm alright now. I will tell you more later. I gotta get going. Feel free to let Lord Voldemort know I'm going on holiday and we can talk later.

She lets a giggle escape her lips before putting the book in her bag too before picking up Tom's book as it practically vibrates from the amount of messages in it. She opens it up and sighs, just reading a few of the messages and skipping the rest. 

What happened?

Are you hurt?

Who hurt you?

Where are you?

Tell me where you are!

I will kill them all if you don't tell me what happened. 

I found you!

Who hurt you?

Wake up!

Damn it!

You are too damn danger prone!

Do I need to lock you in a room?

Goddamn you. 

She then read the most recent message.

I will be there soon, Be careful you danger prone child. 

She laughed a little at the message before replying. 

Tom, thank you for caring. If it is only because I'm your horcrux. My soulmate is taking me on a trip. I've never been on holiday before and I'm excited. Please let me have this... I'll tell you when we are back and you can come straight away... If that's ok..

She messages and then finishes packing up with her house elf's help then she waits for Stephan. He doesn't make her wait for long though and takes them both to the tower. As they get their they see everyone else packed up and the head to the roof and in the chopper to another adventure. 

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