Chapter 51

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New York, Avenger's tower

As they arrived back at the Avengers tower Clint was rushed inside even though he claimed to be fine. His soulmates, the other Avengers insisted he at least got checked over though. It wasn't because they didn't trust Loki as they did but they were concerned as he hadn't been learning healing magic for that long and he 'might' have missed something. Loki didn't know everything after all. If they were honest, they just wanted Clint to rest.

After settling back inside and sorting out all the files and communication while Clint rested, they finally finished the paperwork. They then met up in the main living room and started going through the information on the drive Tony collected. Hydra had a lot of files and loose ends on there. It was a jack point find. Though that wasn't what they were most interested in, they wanted to know more about their new found soulmates.

As the images appeared of the 'enhanced'. "That's him, the blur." Clint says motioning to a young man with white hair and a nice body. "Pietro Maximoff?" Natasha says, "Awesome name. Hey, the file is connected to another." Bruce says, clicking on the connecting file. A woman with beautiful fiery red hair popped onto the screen. Steve and Thor recognized her immediately. "That's her, our other soulmate!" Thor said loudly and excited.

"Wanda Maximoff? Is she related to Pietro?" Steve asked confused as they read through both of there files. "They are twins?" Tony stutters out confused, though they look nothing alike so you can't blame him. Bucky who had read faster than the others had already read some shocking information. 'Bombed by Stark bomb that hit their home and killed their parents leaving them orphans.'

Tony wasn't far behind him while reading that he went strangely quiet. Hearing a quiet sob Bucky looks over at Tony. He looked devastated. He got up and went over to him and pulled him into his chest as the others got to that line, they understood Bucky's reaction. They all started desperately trying to comfort Tony.

"Tony it wasn't your fault." , "You had no idea your weapons were being sold off." , "They will understand." , "I'm sure if you inform them the truth they wont blame you!" , "Don't blame yourself." , "We will help you talk to them, your not alone." , "We will protect you and support you. it wasn't your fault." (Can you guess who said what? Good luck)

After Tony is calmed down, they continued going through the files. They finally scrolled down to see their abilities. 'Pietro Maximoff has gained the ability of increased metabolism and informed thermal homeostasis.' Steve looks up confused and unsure. "Err what does that mean?" Steve asks confused. Bucky and Thor shrug confused as Loki looks calculating. "It means he is fast and needs to eat more because of it." Bruce responds as Tony focuses on Wanda's abilities.

'Wanda Maximoff has got a special connection to the stone. She has neurological interfacing, Telekinesis, Mental manipulation, etc. She is currently developing other skills which will be added after further testing.' That is all there was on there. Most were confused yet impressed with this especially Tony, Bruce and Loki who understood the extents of her power. Then they saw the kicker.

"Wait they volunteered for those experiments!?!?" 

(What do you think?)

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