Chapter 70

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Dumbledore's POV

Everything is going exactly according to plan. The second Harriet arrived back in the UK i was informed. I was concerned she wasn't going to come back but I was wrong. Thankfully. She arrived with a lot of friends though but that won't matter. They won't be nearly enough to stop my army not that matters though. 

I will only need a few minutes to wipe her mind clean and imbed the new memories I have created for her. They took a lot of damn work but that isn't important. All that matters is that I have got what I want. I watch them carefully as they leave the airport and head to the Black estate exactly where I thought they would go. Perfect. 

I prepare my army and attack. First I shatter the barriers around the house and then I send the army in to fight them. I watch from the side-lines. Harriett's friends are good but not good enough. Once I'm sure they are all distracted in the fight I head over to where Harriet is fighting and I take over. This won't take long. 

Harriet's POV

After leaving the group I head to the family room of the black estate with the large family tree. I smile as I realise Sirius had added Remus next to him and I was added under them. A few tears come to my eyes. I never realised he had done this. He added me to his family tree. I sat down and just let my thoughts run wild. Everything has been so fast paced lately. 

I jump awake. I realised I dozed off that is not good. I was jolted away as a guy I didn't recognise entered the room and started firing spells at me. I tried to dodge but it hit the side of my arm. Ouch that is a deep cut. I grab my wand and start firing back at him as we get out of the room and keep fighting. Finally he is knocked out and I ran towards the sounds trying to find the others. 

Next thing I know I'm fighting some high level fighter's. They are either here for me or Tom I assume as they are using wands instead of weapons. I look over seeing most of my soulmates are struggling fighting against magic. Pietro is out already and is being protected by Strange. I focus back in on the fight just to dodge another attack. 

A few moments later my attacker is taken out but not by me but by... Dumbledore. I look at him surprised. I thought he would be in jail by now. I quickly dodge several spells he is shooting at me and look around for some help only to notice I am isolated. I hadn't even realised how far away I was from everyone still till now. I look back at Dumbledore trying desperately to figure out what he wants and why he is here. 

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him. He looks at me annoyed. "You have ruined everything you spoiled brat. You were meant to be the perfect weapon and you have ruined everything. So I will remake you!" He shouts angrily. I try desperately to dodge his attacks but a few of them hit me leaving scratches and cuts. I wince knowing Tom will feel it even though I don't. Thank you adrenaline. 

Next attack hits me in the head and the world goes white and then I feel him in my head. I desperately barricade and try to guard against him but he is strong and despite my best efforts I feel him moving more into my mind. 

Tom's POV

I'm fighting hard. Taking down enemy after enemy but there is too many. I hate asking for help but if Harriet's soulmates are hurt Harriet won't forgive me or herself. I touch my mark summoning my death Eaters. I was surprised though as only a few turned up. Where are the others? It doesn't matter though, they should be enough. They instantly begin fighting turning the tide and then I wince. I know I wasn't hit so how... Harriet. Damn it, again already. 

I instantly look around for her but I can't find her. I wander and weave looking around for her but nothing until in the distance I see fighting. I run towards it and it is Harriet and Dumbledore. Shit. That bastard. He purposefully got her alone. I  start approaching them only to notice Dumbledore put a barrier around them. 

I start breaking through it as I see Dumbledore going into her mind. Shit. I start working faster and then as soon as it breaks I run towards them, pushing Dumbledore out of her head as I start duelling him. He soon seems to recognise who I am. "Tom. That's impossible. Why are you protecting her?" He asks, seething at the lips. 

I feel a smirk forming on my lips. "Really old man. Did you think I wouldn't find out the truth?" I ask as I battle him. My attacks are getting stronger as I defend Harriet. I am concerned she is still unconscious. What has he done to her? She is still alive I can feel her. "How did you find out?" He asks, looking very pissed off. Good. 

"Well she told me." I say, which only seems to anger him more. We keep fighting and soon I see all his army has been defeated as the others approach us quickly. Those soulmate Avengers aren't as crappy as I originally believed.. maybe. Dumbledore notices as his face seems to crash. He tries to get away but I stop him and detain him, taking his wand from him. My death eaters that came soon come over. "Take him to our basement." I say angrily. His punishment will be decided based on Harriet's condition. 

Her soulmates soon arrived too along with Sirius and Remus. "Is she ok?" One of them asks. I can't remember his name. "Physically she is fine. Whatever he did was purely phycological. I'm going to take her to Narcissa. I'll tell you the results later. Keep them here would you? This is a delicate matter after all." I say giving Sirius a serious look. He nods. "I agree you all need to stay here. Her mental space was already delicate, if he has damaged it which he has it needs to be dealt with carefully." Sirius says. 

They soulmates seemed to all look at each other as if deciding what to do but I did not have time for this. I quickly picked Harriet up and apparitioned us into Malfoy manor. As soon as I arrived Narcissa came running straight to us. Lucius must have informed her of the situation. We get Harriet to a bed and Narcissa immediately starts checking her over. Running test after test soon I am kicked out of the room. 

A while later Narcissa finally leaves the room, I approach her as soon as I see her. "So how is she?" I ask hurriedly. Narcissa gives me a sad look. "Well not good to be honest. She has taken severe mental damage. Her mind barriers are shattered as it seems he was trying to wipe her memory. A lot of them seem smudged but not completely gone. She obviously fought back and hard. I won't know the full extent of the damage though until she wakes up." She says honestly. I feel my magic start going wild. Dumbledore is going to pay but first I need to be here for Harriet.

"Is there anything I can do?" I ask as Narcissa looks at her hands with a sigh. "Just be with her, hold her hand. Talk to her. Try and coax her awake so we know the full extent of the damage." She says as I nod and enter the room. Doing exactly that.

(Long chapter. Hope you enjoyed. If there is anything you want to see next time let me know down here.)

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