Chapter 68

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Harriet POV

I hide in his chest as he says that, already anticipating the soon to be shouting. I can't stand shouting. It triggers me. Tom notices this and instinctively covers my ears as the group begins to shout to try to defend themselves and question this. Well except Loki, Strange and Nat. They obviously picked on it quickly. 

Wanda was the next to notice and stopped. By this point Tom was getting angry which only increased as I set out a slight whimper. "Shut up! All of you. Your only distressing Harriet." He says looking pissed. They stopped instantly and Tom decided to leave it there as he lead us all outside where a giant cab was waiting. Tom called it. 

After we were all inside that is when it really started. I blocked it all out in favour of having a nap. I really can't stand to hear this right now. 


Once we were all inside the cab it really started. "Look there is no point in lying. You see me and Harriett can feel each others pain. I allowed her to return to you after the first time she was hurt as you are her soulmates. Yet almost instantly when she did, she was hurt again. Hurt so bad she was put in a coma." I  say angrily. How dare they allow her to be hurt when I left her in their protection. 

"Harriet is really important to us. We didn't mean to allow her to be hurt." Pietro says, feeling guilty. "Obviously we didn't allow it to happen on purpose." Tony says rolling his eyes. "It is not good enough. You have to prove you are worthy and strong enough to protect her or she is staying with me and you can take turns seeing her." I say as I glare at them. 

"You can't do that, she is our soulmate." Clint says looking pissed. "We won't let you." Natasha says, looking annoyed. She would have already taken Harriet back if she wasn't asleep on my lap. I smirk at her as I look down at Harriet and brush her hair away from her face. As I look up at their angry expressions. "As I said if you can prove you can protect and look after her we won't have any problems here." I say smugly. They are not going to pass those tests. I engineered them myself. 

"Fine we will take your tests. If it will ensure your feelings and prove we care for her we will do it." Steve says as the others turn to him in shock. I smile. "Perfect." I say. We then travel in mostly silence. We are heading to the black house. I swore I would take Harriet to see Sirius and Remus when we arrived. These guys will have an even tougher time with them I'm sure. I feel the smirk on my face. This will be fun. If they think I'm hard to deal with they have another thing coming for them.

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