Chapter 26

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Shuttle on the way to the Helicarrier shield base

They travelled in relative silence after they headed off. Steve and Tony talking quietly to Natasha who tried to concentrate on driving the shuttle. Loki is unusually calm as he sits in silence, though Steve could see his blue eyes. Steve walks over and sits next to Loki, "Who are you?" he asks. A smirk appears on Loki's lips. "I'm Loki." He says, Steve didn't look convinced. "Loki has green eyes, that is what mythology says." Steve says.

"Doesn't make it true." Loki replies. Steve still unconvinced goes back to talk to the other two. Suddenly the shuttle is justled as the weather drastically changes, thunder and lightning hitting the ground as Natasha tries to avoid it. Loki gasps audibly and looks concerned as Tony see's this, watching his eyes slowly glowing green.

"What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?" Tony says sarcastically, though his eyes looked slightly concerned not that he would say that. "I'm not awfully fond of what follows." Loki says as his eyes settle blue again, clearly scared, and worried. Tony looks confused before turning back to Natasha. He looks at Steve and give him a look as he nods before they focus on Natasha.

The lightning and thunder get louder as they get closer. Natasha starts scrambling to control the shuttle as Tony helps slightly to straighten it. Suddenly a loud bang reverberates around the shuttle. Everyone looks up as they realise 'someone' landed on the roof of the shuttle.

Tony puts on his suit helmet again as it connects to his suit. Steve grabs his shield. Natasha manages to get the shuttle under control again as She looks back at them concerned. Tony looks at Loki's terrified blue eyes before moving forward and opens the door of the shuttle. "Tony, what are you doing?" Steve asks confused. Someone jumps down onto the opening and looks at all of them.

"Who are you?" Natasha calls to him concerned with the silence. Thor then looks at them concerned as his wrist stings and his first soulmate name is revealed. "I'm Thor Odinson." He says as Natasha sighed, almost as if she expected the answer, her back still towards him. "Another Asgardian?" Steve asked confused to Natasha.

Thor composes himself and grabs Loki, breaking his handcuffs before he jumps out of the shuttle with Loki. "That guys a friendly?" Tony asked confused. "That guys one of our soulmates too." Natasha says, feeling their eyes pierce the back of her head. "Seriously?" Tony says frustrated.

Just as Tony is about to jump out, Steve hit him back slightly with his shield. "Tony think about this, we need a plan. That's two of our soulmates, one clearly not himself. Think about this please." Steve says to him. "That doesn't matter right now. If he kills Loki or frees him the tesseract is lost." Tony says frustrated. "They are brothers you know. I doubt he will kill him." Natasha says. "At least I think they are."

Steve sighs, "Do you at least have a plan of attack Tony?" He asks. Though no one could see Tony was smirking. "I have a plan. Attack!" Tony says he then jumps out the shuttle. Steve facepalmed frustrated. He then grabbed a parachute and getting himself ready. "I think you should sit this one out Captain." Natasha calls back to him.

"I don't see how I can." Steve says. "These guys come from legends; they are basically gods." Natasha says. "There is only one god I know ma 'ma... I mean Natasha and he doesn't dress like that." Steve responding as he jumps out of the shuttle, hearing Natasha's laugh. 

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