Chapter 21

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Kolkata, India

Natasha checked her files about Doctor Banner on the way over there. She was surprised that even after everything done to him, he still wanted to help the people around him. It made her feel bad for how he was treated, and everything done towards him.

As she arrived, she decided it was best to watch for a bit instead of straight up approaching him as it might cause issues. As she investigated, she found out that though he was counted as a 'Angry green hulk' he really was kind and caring.

Deciding she was running out of time she made her plan to bring him to her outside of the main area. Concerned on people's safety. She then paid a young girl to get him and lead him to her in a small hut house outside the main area. Telling her to tell him someone close to her is ill to lead him there.

She see's the girl smile before running off to get him. She hopes she is a good actor. She headed there and hid out of sight as she waited. Calming herself into professionalism. She waited a good half hour before the girl ran back past her and out the window behind her. Smirking at Natasha as she passed her.

She heard him mumble under his breath in frustration as he was close to her. "Should have gotten paid up front Banner. "He sighs. As he goes to leave, she shows herself to him. (Not like that you dirty people)

"You know for a man supposed to be avoiding stress you picked a hell of a place to settle." She said coldly, noticing as he suddenly looks at her shocked and rubbing his wrist absently. She notices but doesn't say anything unsure. "Avoiding stress isn't the secret." He says back to her, watching her eyes widen as her wrist stings and the words change into his name.

She struggles to stay professional as she leads him to the small table and chairs in the hut. "Then what is it yoga?" she asks him, interested. He avoids the question though. "So you brought me to the edge of the city, that's smart." He said as he noticed his situation, rubbing his hands together clearly nervous.

"I uhm assume you have the whole area is surrounded?" He says to her, looking betrayed. She started feeling bad. She sighed before calmly responding. "Nope it is just you and me." He looked like he didn't believe her, still looking around. "Your actress buddy, is she a spy too? Do they start that young?" He said to her.

He was clearly trying to change the subject. "I did." She said, he choked on air. He clearly wasn't expecting that as looked even more uncomfortable. He keeps rubbing his hands together, looking at her name on his wrist.

"Are you here to kill me miss Romanoff, because that's not going to work out well between us in this relationship." He tells her awkwardly. "Of course not, I'm here on behalf of shield. We need your help." She says, attempting to control her emotions like she was trained.

"Shield? How did they find me?" He asks confused. "They never actually lost you. Just kept their distance. Even helped keep others off your tail. Will you help?" She says absently, watching his struggle.

"What if I say no?" He asks her. "What if I say WE need your help." She says as she pulls up her sleeve exposing her wrist. He looks interested, reading the words and names on her wrist. Then confused at her. "Why do you need my help, I don't want to hulk out again." He says desperately at her.

"Global catastrophe, An alien mind controlled and kidnapped our soulmate and wants to take over the planet. The normal Thursday, you know." He looks at her concerned. She then pulls out her phone and shows him the stone.

"We don't need you to hulk out. We need you to find that stone. It's an energy source that outputs gamma radiation which you should be able to track. No one can track gamma rays like you. It's an emergency as that stone could wipe out our planet." She says to him seriously.

"So you aren't after the hulk?" He asks surprised but happy. "Nope we just need you Doctor Banner." She says to him, "So will you help?" He looks conflicted and if she wasn't his soulmate he would probably deny but he agreed and they went to the shuttle together. Where they got to know each other better. 

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