Chapter 20

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Stark Tower

Natasha and Tony were having a good day, they were relaxing together and watching TV. Waiting for Clint to message how his mission was going. He was supposed to finish within the next 48 hours and they were both excited to finally be coming together as a family. Even if it was only four of them that knew of each other so far.

Suddenly a loud ring was heard, coming from Natasha's phone. She was angry, who dared to call her during her private time. If this wasn't Clint, she was gonna kill them. She opened her phone and saw it was Fury. She was surprised but assumed it was urgent, or at least it better be. "Sorry Любовь моя (My Love) my boss is calling me." She said to Tony.

He nodded at her tiredly, pausing the movie as she gets up moving to the other side of the room with her phone. She wasn't sure what it was about during her time off. She answers the phone, putting it up to her ear for privacy. She hears Silence other than quiet mumbling.

(N=Nat, F=Fury)

N: Hey Fury, What is this about? It's my time off.

F: I have bad news.

N: What is it? Don't play with me about this Fury.

He sighs, worried about her reaction to this.

F: Well its about your soulmate.. Barton...

Her entire attitude changes as she seems to go into a state of shock and worry, Tony's worried voice can be heard in the background.

N: What... What about him? What happened?

F: He was kidnapped by an alien and is currently being controlled. I'm enacting the Avengers initiative as the same alien stole the large power source and we need to find them now. I'm calling you back in now, we need to gather everyone.

She struggled to control herself, looking at Tony nervously as she puts him on speaker.

N: What do you want us to do?

F: I need Tony sent in; I'll send a chopper. Maria is gonna bring in Rodgers. I need you to collect Doctor Banner.

N: Ok I'll make sure he is ready to go, You'll send a chopper to take me to where he is?

F: of course, eta is 5 and 10 mins respectively. Be ready.

He then hung up on her as she turned to Tony, a tough façade on her as he just hugs her before they prepare and head up to the top floor. Tony making sure he has everything he needs as Natasha reminds him to inform Pepper which he does before they head in choppers going opposite directions. 

Shield Base

Fury was unsure about if he should still include Natasha or Tony in the avengers with their soulmate being someone they will have to fight. He didn't want to do this but with Natasha being his best agent and Stark being the best person he knows to find the stone. He sighed hoping he was doing the right thing as he puts the phone down.

He called Maria into the room. As she came in, he looked at her blankly. "What do you need?" She asked. "Two choppers sent to Stark tower and bring Rodgers in now. The Avenger's initiative is activated." He said as she nodded. Slight surprise shifted across her features but she had hid it well and headed out.

She passed Phil on the way out, he was meant to be in charge of the Avengers and she knew he was excited. They nodded to each other in understanding. He smiled at Fury as he entered before going into business mode. "Avengers is a go?" he asked as Fury nodded. Knowing he was excited.

He then passed Fury some papers from MACUSA, a smirk on his face. Fury looked intrigued as he read over the files. "Why is this so important right now?" Fury asked confused. "Well one she is famous. Two she is the most powerful seen in over 150 years. Three She is moving here. Isn't it a good idea to make friends with a friendly?" Phil said to him smugly. Fury smirked at him and nodded agreeing before dismissing him. 

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