Chapter 27

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Peverell Manor

Harriet was startled by a pop as Lillies enters the room, she looks over at the small house elf. "Lillies is sorry mistress I come with a parcel that agent Coulson left for you on your doorstep." Lillies says as Harriet looked curious and takes the parcel from her. "Thank you Lillies, can you bring me a J20, some food and my meds please." Harriet said to her, smiling as she nods and pops out.

She opened the parcel, seeing a letter inside she opened it curiously.

Violet Peverell (Winky face)

This is a work phone. You know what a phone is, right? This is a gift as well to allow our relationship to bloom. We will only contact you if necessary until you are at least 19 as I know you are staying in education. This will also allow us to communicate more easily if you also need any help. If any of your people from home come after you, we will get you out. Hope to talk to you soon. There is also a phone manual in here to help you.

Kind regards

Agent Phil Coulson.

As she finished reading it she looked at the phone, recognising it as one of the touch screen. She recognized it as Starks newest phone, it was even under her name and everything. She smiled at how thoughtful it was of him. He had even set up her phone for her and an email. She hears Lillies pop back in and thankfully takes the sandwiches, J20 and her meds.

She eats slowly, still struggling eating big portions or three meals a day. She takes her meds again as she reads the manual as she learns to use it. She sighed, she checked the time and realized her meetings were going to be starting soon with her two new tutors. She got up and headed to the living room.

About 20 minutes later Lillies pops in with two people. One an older looking gentleman with a unibrow and pure white hair, looking kinda like a Malfoy. The other one was a young looking, maybe early twenties woman. She smiled Welcomingly to them both. "Thank you so much for coming Mr Brendan and Mrs Tenner. You were suggested to me as I need tutors so I can take my N.E.W. T's. Now I have never taken some of these subjects, but I do have photographic memory. I also would like to get my Animagus form. Is this possible I'm over halfway there."

"It is possible, but you will have to study really hard." Mrs Tenner says as she looks at Mr Brendan. "Do you have all the books?" He asks. "I believe so, which books do you want me to have and use?" She asks them both as they give her a list of the books she needs, she has all of them. Then they went over some timetables. She agrees with them. She then starts her lessons, really enjoying them as she finally can fully transform into one of her Animagus forms. (wanna guess her form?)

A few hours later they left and she checked her diaries, only one was glowing. It was the one connected to the twins and she opened it checking her messages.

(F: Fred, G: George, H: Harriett)

F: How are you doing little Prongslet?

G: How is your tutor hunt going little sister?

H: I'm going alright, how are you both doing? I have two official tutors now.

G: I'm good. Have you met any of soulmates yet?

F: I'm alright too. When can we come visit?

H: Not yet. Have either of you two met your soulmates yet? Soon once the me leaving dies down.

H: How is that going? Do they miss me? Any more crazy encounters?

F: Well Padfoot and Moony just figured out that we are Mischief and Mayhem.

G: They have been Questioning about you like crazy.

H: God I miss all of you so much.

F: They asked if they could send you a two way mirror, we said we weren't sure what protections you have in place.

G: Would it send alright?

H: Yeah it should be fine.

G: Alright we will let them know.

F: Molly has been going crazy about how selfish you are being. It's funny but annoying.

H: wow, crazy. Are the others at school alright?

G: Yeah but Hermione really misses you.

H: I miss you all too.

F: How's your Animagus form coming on?

H: I did my first full transformation so good. What about you both?

G: We are about half way through actual first transforming.

H: I'm glad it is going well. I love you both Mischief and Mayhem.

F+G: We love you too Prongslet.

She put the diary away and headed down to do more research and learning and potion making. She then continued on her studying happily. 

(Wanna guess hers or the twins Animagus forms?)

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