Chapter 23

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Peverell Mansion

Harriet was going over her replies from the suggested tutor, one of them catching her eyes. Mrs Tenner she taught all studies but mastered in potions and runes. She had some great reviews and looked like a great tutor perfect for her. Another one that catches her eyes Mr Brendan he teaches all subjects but masters in Transfiguration and care of magical creatures. She decides to contact both of them as possible tutors and times they can do. Their rates while slightly expensive but she had more than enough money.

Then she see's her mailbox glowing again, which it had a lot recently. She opens it to see a parcel and a letter to her with no spells attached. She opened the letter to see:

To the Girl who Lived, Chosen one, my Slytherin heir, Lady Potter, Harriet Potter

(Are you seriously going to keep the titles up every time)

So, I see the Slytherin in you shining through asking for a deal. Well, I will give you one, how about I ensure your protection and offer the same to all your friends. You have my word that I won't harm any off them and I have already sent Pettigrew to the ministry as a gift. I understand you not trusting me or others easily.

Dumbledore is definitely manipulative I will give you that. I am so sorry he and those Weasley's put you through all that. You didn't deserve that for any reason, and I wish you well on your search for finding your soulmate or soulmates. I shall wait for going after or doing anything to your relatives for now, but I am not pleased about waiting but I understand where you are coming from.

I know for a fact Malfoy still wants to be your friend, your welcome to talk to him yourself. I'm sure he would love to hear from you. A lot of people are concerned for you. How is he your cousin though? Who sent spelled letters to you, just curious?

Thank you for the evidence that you are my Horcrux. It was important to know. It basically means that as long as you are alive, I can't die. Well not really anyway. You see I have my reasons to ensure your protection now I know.

Ps is I've enclosed a notebook to this letter as a better way to communicate with each other.

Kind regards

Lord Slytherin

She giggles softly knowing for sure she was gonna keep the names up just to annoy him now, especially if he can't kill her. She smiled hoping he really had given Pettigrew to the ministry as Padfoot would definitely be free then. She decides she will contact Malfoy later excited but worried. Though she was happy he no longer wanted her dead though she wondered if Dumbledore knew.

She opened the parcel and saw it was the same kind of notebook she has connected to the twins and laughs. 'we think the same way.' She thinks to herself. She opens the notebook, feeling unsure but curious.

(V:Voldemort, H:Harriet)

H: Hey, Tom Riddle, the Dark lord, Lord Slytherin, Lord Voldemort, He who must not be named. Your deal sounds interesting. Is there a limit to how many people I can protect for the price?

H: PS Draco Malfoy is my cousin because Sirius Black blood adopted me.

V: Did you address me by all the names to make a point? I didn't know he blood adopted you though, that's interesting. A limit would probably be 12, as more than that would be rather difficult. So what is the full prophecy?

H: Well as I said I don't believe in it, I think it was made up personally but sure here it is.

H: The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

V: Interesting, thank you for telling me. Who do you want to protect?

H: Hmmmm Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom.

H: I'm not sure if I want to protect Arthur or Percy Weasley? I believe they are being brainwashed by Molly Weasley but I'm not sure for certain.

V: Severus Snape? Wasn't he horrible to you?

H: Yes but I believe it wasn't fully his fault. Plus he is my Godfather.

V: He is? Curious.

H: Please don't be mad at him, he probably didn't know until I told him a few days ago. You promised him protection.

V: Yes I did confirm protection for him for you. Did you get your soulmate words.

H: I don't want to talk about them.

V: Did you not get any?

H: I got too many.

V: What does that mean?

H: I have got to go, someone is here to see me.

She put the book down, heading down to the door as she heard someone ringing the doorbell. She opens the door seeing a man she doesn't know in dark clothes, looking friendly. He smiles at her and holds up an id for something called 'Shield'. "Hey I'm Agent Coulson, You can call me Phil though. You were told I might be coming, right? Can I come in?" He asks. She moves to the side allowing him in.

She leads him to the one of the living room areas, obviously slightly nervous. "Umm I'm Violet Peverell, I'm not exactly sure why you're here." She says as he looks at her and blinks confused before remembering that is what identity she is going by here.

He looks at her and laughs softly. "It is nothing to worry about, we are just always curious when new powerful people move here. Obviously, I am aware you left because of a war going on there? ". He says to her as she sighs. "I left because since I was a child, they have expected me to fight a war for them which I do not intent to do. As such I have decided to leave. ". She says tiredly.

He looks at her and reaches out to gently reassure her but she flinches away as he immediately pulls back and looks at her confused before realisation dawns on him as she looks at her lap embarrassed. "Sorry you just looked sad, and I wanted to help. I should know not to touch people without consent." He says, trying not to embarrass her further but knowing he will tell Fury about this later.

"No worries I'm just jumpy, being in a war does that to you. So did you need anything from me?" She asks him. "Also did you want a tea or anything?" He looks around at the large mansion, realising she was here 'Alone'. "British people do like their tea don't they? Can I have a coffee?" He says as she smiles at him. "Sure." She says, leaving the room for a second. Returning with a J20 and a Coffee and sitting back down across from him and handing him his coffee.

They sit in silence for a few minutes enjoying their drinks before he looks at her seriously. "We would like to be friends with you. A friendship where we help each other. We help you hide and be safe away from your people coming after you and you help us sometimes completely anonymously. We have confirmed with the ministry here who have agreed you can use your magic freely but try not to make is obvious. Would you be willing to do this?" He asks her, being professional for a second.

"Well, what do you mean by that?" She asks him, considering the offer. "You don't have to help all the time just when we are struggling and maybe help with our teams and stuff. Only maybe once or twice every couple months or even years and we would provide anything and everything you need for them." He says as she sighs, finishing her drink. "Fine you have a deal but you have to make sure no one but you knows where I live or anything about me. I don't want to be in your system under my birth name for anything either." He looks at her and shakes her hand after she offers it. "You will only be in the system under Violet Peverell for everything. It is good doing business with you." She smiles and they chat nicely till he finishes his coffee and she shows him out. 

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