Chapter 77

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Authors note:

Hi, I do usually not like to do authors notes as I am rather sad just seeing an authors note and not a chapter. You are welcome to skip this authors note unless you are interested. I have been unable to write recently due to a lot of studying, exams and coursework. It has been rather annoying for me as writing is a way to relax for me but I'm hoping it will calm down soon. 

So sorry this is a short chapter. 

Harriet POV:

I slowly wake up the next to whimpering. I manoeuvre my way out of the cuddle pile I was buried in. As I get out I look over at the noise I heard whimpering from. It was Remus as he was changing back. He was half wolf and half man. I winced, I can't imagine how painful that must of been. I move over and rub against his leg and he looks down at me surprised. 

I quickly thought about changing back to comfort him but disregarded the idea as idiotic as his wolf was still active, as seen by his amber eyes, and may take it as a threat. I felt his clawed hand reach my back as he starts petting me with a small smile. I sighed he doesn't have to be brave with me, I'm here to help him. I saw him wince again as the transformation continued and rubbed against him leg as he pet me. 

What probably felt like a long time later to him was luckily only a couple minutes and Remus was himself again. I have to find a way to help with these transformations, I didn't realise they were still painful for him. He gave me a smile and upon seeing his normal eyes I transform back. (Is Remus eyes green or brown? Or another colour?)

"Good morning." Remus says sleepily as he sees me in my human form. I give him a small sad smile. "Is it always painful like that for you?" I ask him concerned as he is propped up against the wall. He seems to think a moment before shaking his head but I wasn't so sure I believe him. "So on another note what happened with your form last night. I remember vaguely that you were massive and then shrunk into that mini cat form." He asks and I pause, not only did he subject change but he changed onto a bad topic for me. 

"Well its complicated, I'll explain it to you all later." I say, he notices me avoiding the question but surprisingly he leaves it as he leans his head back against the wall and eyes shut. "Ok, I think I'm gonna go back to sleep." He mumbles tiredly and the next second I hear his quiet snores. 

I smile down at him and at the cuddle pile I had escaped from before leaning on Remus's shoulder and feeling myself drifting off. 

Unfortunately that did not last for long as I heard Tom's voice in my head. "Harriet! Harriet! Quick get to Malfoy manor! Their is something wrong with your soulmates!"

(I hope you enjoyed)

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