Chapter 77- Good attitude is a must!

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Because of their batch, the convenience store did a surprisingly good business early in the morning. Kongpob bought a lot of things, and by the time he finished settling the bill, everyone else were getting on the bus under the supervision of the logistics seniors.

Kongpob was the last one to arrive. Everyone were already seated, and he stood alone in the aisle, of course, very conspicuous.

Arthit also glanced at him at first but as soon as he met his gaze, he averted his eyes in panic, pretending to look out of the window at the monotonous scenery.

The moment Kongpob saw Bright sitting next to him, the corners of his mouth curled up in understanding.

Bright had already addressed him as well: "0062! Is there no sincerity in the deal?"

Arthit could not pretend to be dumb anymore, and elbowed Bright hard on the arm: "Eh Eh! What are you talking about? Damn you Bright!"

Kongpob immediately walked quickly to their side, handing one of the bags to Bright respectfully: "Breakfast for the seniors."

Bright raised an eyebrow and took the bag over: "Good boy, very promising, since you have bought it, then I can only help to take it to the back and give it to the guys. if this seat is already taken later, I can't do anything about it, right Arthit!"

With that, he had gotten up from his seat.

Arthit shot a kick at him, and Bright jumped backwards, causing the younger students behind him to snicker.

Arthit was so embarrassed that his ears turned red and he gave Kongpob a quick glance, whispering, "Go sit somewhere else!"

Kongpob tossed another bag to Tew, who was sitting in the back row, gesturing for him to share it with his friends, and then sat down neatly next to Arthit, pretending to be serious and coming up to him, asking, "What did senior say? I didn't hear you clearly, just now."

Arthit, who did not know that he was doing it on purpose, closed his eyes in annoyance and simply turned around, leaving him with the back of his head.

But Kongpob was already happy enough just to sit with him, and didn't care about his resistance which was too obvious to ignore. Even a backside of his head was enough to put a smile on his face.

"The number of people has been confirmed for the last time. The rules of our trip are as follows, each student is paired with his or her seatmate, from now on, every time we gather, we must confirm that your partner is also in the team, if not, find the senior report, got it?" The logistician senior announced to everyone, holding the signature book that they had just signed before getting on the bus.

All the students on the bus spoke in unison and replied, "Got it!"

"Mr. Driver, it's time to drive!" With Phi's command, the three buses full of students finally started, and the group trip that belonged to them officially began.

Since their reunion, Kongpob had spent almost all of his time with Arthit on campus, and this trip certainly meant a lot to him.

It was probably because his gaze was so enthusiastic that Arthit, who had been looking steadfastly out of the window, stiffened for a while before finally resisting the urge to sneak back in.

The result was, naturally, that Kongpob, who had been staring at him, caught him red-handed.

Arthit panicked and tried to look away again, but when Kongpob saw his reaction, he laughed out loud.

Arthit rushed to give him a stern look, "What are you laughing at? What's so funny?"

Arthit, being the head hazer, was not used to being close to him in front of the juniors, and when he thought that his bold declaration had been seen by everyone, he wanted to be hundreds of metres away from Kongpob in front of everyone.

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