Chapter 4- Heartbeat

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The senior hazers came and went in a hurry, but after they left, the training hall never returned to the singing and dancing ease of earlier.

The first task given was so weighty. It can be said that it gave this group of ignorant individuals a very effective disembarkation (downfall).

As soon as the hazers disappeared, the originally quiet crowd became noisy once again, rustling discussions going on.

Obviously, these amiable-looking sophomore seniors were not very intimidating to them.

The one who had just spoken the loudest in front of the instructor, however, was now quiet again, sitting in his seat with a heavy face, and did not know what to think.

If M hadn't pulled him to sit down, there's no telling how long he would have been stunned.

As soon as he sat down a few students gathered around him.

"That head hazer is so fierce, you actually dare to stand up to him, aren't you afraid?" The first to speak was a thin man with glasses and hair that covered almost half of his face, with the deliberately low voice, made him look a little nasty.

"Yeah! Just now I thought for sure he was going to be physically punished, such a handsome and compelling senior, why is his temper so bad!" This time the speaker was a small girl with big eyes, and at first she was filled with righteous indignation, but in the end, for some reason, suddenly flirt up, "But the senior who threw the tantrum seems even more handsome!"

"Oh hey Maprang, can you stop being such a flirt, if it wasn't for Katthawuth, let alone Kongpob judging by the temper of that head hazer , we might even be punished!" The girl who spoke this time and the smaller girl seems to know each other.

M smiled at her, "You can call me M."

The girl smiled sheepishly at him, "My name is May."

Standing on the side a boy who was also somewhat handsome came and said ""But Kongpob just said it plainly right. How can 1,000 signatures be used when only one week is given!"

When this topic was brought up, several people lost their mood for fun, and one by one, they began to discuss strategies with a sad face.

Despite being at the center of everyone's conversation, Kongpob didn't say a word.

Ever since the hazers left, he had been sitting in the same place, lost in thought.

M had a gentle personality and answered everyone's question.

"Well Kong and I have known each other since we were kids, and in that situation, it was too late to think about it, so I stood up."

With two simple explanations, one already understood the closeness between him and Kongpob.

Although he had been discussing with everyone, M's gaze fell on the silent Kongpob from time to time, who seemed clearly absent-minded.

The first day of training was not formal, it was just to let them know each other and then "See" the power of the hazers.

After handing out autograph books, the sophomore seniors mercifully decided to let them go back.

The senior sister who always had a smile on her face before the dismissal also kindly reminded: "Everyone go back early, you can start looking for the seniors now! And get their sign"

Even with a smile as sweet as that, the words still sent shivers down your spine, quite a bit of a laugh.

The others had already scattered with their autograph books, but Kongpob hadn't shown any signs of getting up yet.

M quietly shook his fist and handed over the little book he had helped him claim, "Here, yours."

It was only then that Kongpob noticed that almost everyone around him was gone.

He took the autograph book, smiled down at M hurriedly, and got up from the ground, "Let's go."

After saying that, he barely waited for M's reaction before he quickly headed out.

M took two steps after him and called out to him, "Kong!"

Kongpob stopped and looked back at him, "What's wrong?"

M looked at him for a long time, but in the end he didn't ask anything, but said, "Didn't we agree to have dinner together yesterday? Can I have a look over there? What do you want to eat?"

Kongpob just remembered this.

But now his mind was in turmoil, where he had the leisure to go on a dinner date.

He was stunned for a while and his tone took on a bit of a querulous tone, "I didn't get any rest last night, I'm a bit tired, I want to go back to sleep, can I go back to tonight?" (Querulous=complaining).

M's face changed slightly, but he quickly covered it up, "Good, then go home and get some rest, and contact me when you wake up."

M had been very composed in front of Kongpob.

Knowing that he couldn't accept the identity set up with himself yet, he always kept a certain distance with him consciously afterwards.

Such a sense of proportion made it almost impossible for Kongpob to find any reason to reject the relationship between the two.

As he watched M's back fade away, Kongpob gripped the autograph book in his hand, the anxiety in his chest churning more and more.

He didn't really know what had gone wrong.

The first time he saw Arthit - yes, the name was already unconsciously in his mind even after hearing it only once - the moment he saw him, Kongpob actually wanted to rush to his side just like that regardless.

Before he understood the source of that impulse, Kongpob noticed the contempt that Arthit hid in his eyes.

That disdainful, contemptuous gaze disappeared quickly after it left him. (here "it" refers to Arthit's gaze)

So fast that he couldn't help but think that moment was merely out of his own delusion.

That's why he couldn't help but stand up, so that the man had to look at him properly.

Kongpob didn't know why he wanted so badly to determine exactly what emotion the senior was carrying in his eyes as he looked at him.

But there seemed to be a voice in his head that kept reminding him that the person's expression when they looked at him wasn't supposed to be like that originally.

But was there anything originally between them?

The feeling came so inexplicably, so inexplicably that he didn't know how he should face M's relief.

Kongpob had never been an unspoken person, but today he can't get along with M anymore.

Amnesia had probably made the emotional module in his brain go haywire all together.

Today, he actually had a crush on a fierce stranger.

Still in front of his own boyfriend.


(A/n)  Have you ever been in a situation where your heart and mind are in conflict with each other. This is what Kong is feeling. 😔

What do you think he will do, follow his heart or surrender to reality.?🤔🤔

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