Chapter 2- Who is this person?

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Today is the first day of University.

From the moment Kongpob stepped into the campus his heart had been simmering with some faint anxiety.

However, since he had lost his memory, he often felt anxious for no reason, and as a new student, it was understandable that he would feel anxious since he had been nervous and confused all day.

Yes, Kongpob had amnesia.

It was like something out of a TV show, he could still remember things from his childhood, only the memory of the two years before he woke up from his coma, it was like someone stole it, no matter how hard he tried, he could only remember a little vague outline at most.

In those two years, he seemed to have never lived in this world.

"It's fine if you can't remember, the doctor also told you not to get too tired, it's only two years anyway, we'll have plenty of years afterwards to Together." M told him so.

M was his childhood friend and lover.

He didn't know if it was accurate or not, because in his memory, M and him were indeed childhood friends, but not lovers.

M had narrated to him what had happened to them in the past two years, piles and piles of things that kongpob could even find familiar.

But even so, he still couldn't get that kind of so-called love for M. He just faced M's sincere face. 

He just couldn't tell the truth to M.

M was his best friend and had been chasing him like a little tail worm since he was little, and yet he had the guts to accompany him to get beaten up after every trouble he got into.

Their relationship was really good, but it only stopped there.

In fact, many of his friends tacitly thought they would end up together after they learned that he and M like guys.

Except for kongpob.

He couldn't figure out what had happened in those two years to make him and his best friend a couple.

But he knew clearly what M said was true

Although his memory was not so clear, he still remembered that he had indeed experienced a wonderful love in those two years.

Because even that fuzzy image could make his heart palpitate (flutter) to the core.

He had never loved anyone else before, but he could feel it, and that is the feeling of love.

Love so overwhelming.

It was just kongpob didn't understand how in just two years, his feelings for M had changed so drastically.

Good thing M was very understanding.

Since he sensed his repeated dodging, he didn't even ask to hold hands anymore.

"I'll wait until you accept me again, we're lovers now anyway, we have a lifetime to wait."

But the more generous M was, the more  kongpob felt guilty.

Forgetting the most important confession and initial relationship must be an unforgivable thing for a lover, right?

But M was so worried about his health that he could even give up those two years of shared memories.

He knows that he should be committed, but no matter how hard he tries, he still can't regain his feelings for M. The long-standing guilt builds up, and he is unable to find his way back.

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