Chapter 38- I can do it myself

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check the last chapter in case you missed it :)



Arthit felt that string in his head explode instantly.

And in the next second, Not had swung a punch at Kongpob, thudding him right in the eye socket, causing him to grunt and take a half step backwards, his grip on Arthit letting go.

Kongpob's eye swelled up as fast as the eye could see.  

Kongpob and Arthit were already enough to attract the attention of people, but when Knot punched him, all the students and juniors stopped, not daring to gather around, but also unwilling to leave. They all stood watching.

Arthit also reacted to the punch and stared at Kongpob fiercely with a reddened face.

If it weren't for Knot's quick punch, he would have been the one who hit him.

However, Knot was one step ahead of him.  

Because of this little time difference, his impulse subsided a little, and he only spoke angrily to Kongpob, "I want you to get out of here!"

The tone of his voice is much stronger than the "get off" he just used.  

Knot seems to have had enough, then tries to jump again, but Arthit holds him back.

Kongpob, being a younger student, didn't fight back.  

He just stared at Arthit, his lips pursed tightly, the starlight under his eyes glittering, like a layer of tears under the sunlight.

Even though Arthit had already said so, he still stood before them without saying a word, like a child in a fit of pique, his eyes and eyebrows full of reluctance, but not daring to act.  

Arthit looked around anxiously at the growing number of people around him, and looked at Kongpob with even more disgust, "Get out of here now!"

Kongpob, however, remained stubbornly in place, refusing to move a fraction.  

Arthit certainly wasn't afraid that Knot would beat him up, he just didn't want to be the center of so many people's attentions with him anymore.

Seeing that he was persuaded not to move, Arthit simply grabbed Not's hand and turned around angrily, "Let's go!"

At the moment Not, who was still glaring at Kongpob, the moment he touched his fingers, the hostility disappeared.

He sluggishly turned his attention back to Arthit.  

Arthit was pulling him forward, leaving him with only his hurried back.

But in his mind, Arthit's back seemed to have slow-motion special effects added to it, as he walked step by step, his trembling hair glowing under the sun.  

Knot's gaze involuntarily fell on their touching hands, his heartbeat in turmoil as he followed his footsteps.

Only Kongpob remained alone, staring at their clasped hands, his fists were clenched tightly, and each joint was so hard that it turned white

Tew and the others came out surrounded by M, looking strangely at the crowds piling up on the road, and leaned in to Kongpob to ask, "What's wrong, did something happen?"

Oak pointed at the two who hadn't gone far yet and spoke in surprise, "Oh hey, Senior Knot and Senior Arthit are holding hands? What the hell!"

Kongpob heard this and the anger that filled his mouth with nowhere to go burned even more, turning his head to stare hard at Oak.  

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