Chapter 18- Stop guessing!

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Proud of Arthit 😏


Arthit's lack of spirit didn't show halfway in front of the juniors, and today's training was at the same pace as usual.

Only when all the training had come to an end did the first years finally sit down to take a rest, and one by one, they waited religiously for the moment the head hazer to announce dissolution.

And at this exciting moment----


A clear sound of a cell phone vibrating wore through the crowd.

Arthit frowned, his stern eyes scanning the crowd, "Whose phone!"

M gritted his teeth and raised his hand from the line, "Kratawut, student number 0097."  

Surprisingly it was him again!

Arthit closed his eyes helplessly, looking at him all the same with some reluctance.

He really wanted to go back to bathe, change clothes and burn incense to pray that this man could stop a little while training.

"What's going on?" Arthit asked weakly. 

"I'm sorry P, I forgot to turn off my ringtone." M stammered to explain.

"No need to explain, get out!" Arthit spoke decisively, not wanting to get into too much trouble with him.

M looked down helplessly, one face flushed red.  

And Knot, who was standing next to Arthit, at this moment, either intentionally or unintentionally, happened to look at Kongpob's gang.

Kongpob was the last person he wanted to see right now.

Arthit had expected him to come out to show their affection again, and the first thing he did was to growl past him in a low voice, "Shut up!"  

Kongpob couldn't help but think of the way Arthit had smiled and his cheeks had turned red when he'd faced Knot before the training had started .

But when directed at him, the man had nothing but anger in his eyes.

"Report!" And he couldn't help but yell back.

"Kongpob!" and Arthit killed him with an eye slash.  

Kongpob reluctantly locked eyes with him, and the two men's eyes met in the air, and there was another silent spark of Four splashes.

"This is a training ground! Not a place to fall in love!" Arthit's words instantly reminded Kongpob of his other identity.

Yeah, he's M's boyfriend, and where is it that he is qualified to control whether Arthit is smiling like a flower  when he's dealing with someone else?

Kongpob let loose all his anger for a moment.  

"Stand up!" Arthit had veins popping out of his forehead.

 Kongpob quickly obeyed and stood up.

Arthit didn't see the change in his heart and still stared at him with a deadly stare, "Want another heroic rescue, do you? Okay, I'll do it for you! Let me think about how to make you share the same pain."  

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