Chapter 9- Here it is

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Arthit wasn't the one to lead but most of the rustling discussion in Kongpob's ears had to do with him.

"Oh hey, it's P' Arthit!" the voice of the female squealing.

"P' Arthit  is so handsome!" This one at least kept some composure, "But what are the seniors doing here now?"

The other one sobered up as she said, "I don't know, it's so serious, we're not going to be punished for something we didn't do wrong, are we?"

Several seniors had stepped up to the podium and stood in a row with their hands behind their backs, their stern gazes sweeping the weak, and the tiny discussions muffled.

Arthit's eyes were similarly cold, but whether it was a coincidence or not, it was as if his gaze had deliberately swept over Kongpob and landed elsewhere in a hurry.

"We have come now to inform you all of something." Under the gaze of all the juniors and seniors, Arthit finally opened his mouth slowly, "On the first day of training, the sophomore seniors You were given name tags, but I've seen a lot of students toss them away after training is over. I don't care if you go to class, but if you come to training, you have to bring your name tags with you. From now on, don't let me see any other situation."

Presumably wanting the words to sound more intimidating, Arthit finished his speech and looked around the classroom with aplomb. (aplomb= confidence).

Only when his eyes met the Kongpob, his body seemed to involuntarily stiffen slightly, then he straightened his back and strode out with his head held high.

This time it was him.

 Don't know if it was Kongpob's illusion, but despite the fact that he looked high and mighty, he was aware of a few dodges in that action just now.

kongpob couldn't tell what exactly the feeling that was stirring in his heart was.

Soon, though, Maprang, the perky little girl in the front seat, interrupted his thoughts.

"It's miserable, miserable P' Arthit can't be talking about me, I threw it away randomly last time and he just happened to see it!" Being a little fan girl of Arthit senior, Maprang's concern was completely heartfelt.

May looked at her helplessly: "Hey, you just threw it away and he saw it, causing everyone to be scolded along with you."

Maprang sighed sorrowfully, "Where would I pay attention to this little thing, alas, you must remember to remind me every time I don't bring it. It's all respectfully retrieved from the bag, so it's okay!"

By all accounts it wasn't a big deal, and the students whispered about it for a while, so it went away.

But everyone did treat the name tags a lot more seriously.

Because he was temporarily commandeered by the teacher after class to help deliver a homework assignment, the classroom was already empty when Kongpob returned.

His backpack is also gone. It seems that M took it away with him.

Kongpob's name tag was still in his backpack, and he naturally didn't want to run into a gun at such a critical moment, so Kongpob turned around and walked quickly towards their class locker.

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