Chapter 49- Don't go

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Continuation of the previous chapter


The rain seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, Kongpob knew he couldn't stop Arthit from punishing himself, so he had to pick up his umbrella and head towards the bleachers at the side of the field.

"Hey Kong, come here, sit over here." May called out to him from a distance.

Kongpob then saw that the three girls he knew well were also sitting on the bleachers.He nodded to them hastily, trying to smile politely, but failing to do so in the end.Sitting down beside May, Kongpob looked over at Arthit, who was still running in the rain.

Seeing him like this, May couldn't help but speak curiously, "By the way, isn't the senior punishing him now to avenge you guys? Why are you still trying to persuade him?"

Maprang also put away the nymphomania and spoke in a serious manner, "That's right, he made M so miserable,we all suffered too, why do you feel sorry for him?"

For Maprang to say that Arthit hadn't targeted her after all, so even if she had been punished along with it, she could easily forgive it was fine, but Kongpob and M had been targeted in a real way, so seeing Kongpob's attitude now, aroused curiosity.

Kongpob didn't know how to explain all this to them, so he could only vaguely say, "M wouldn't blame him, and I think that senior might have a reason why he did what he did."

Maprang nodded silently.

Girls are always prone to be soft-hearted, even if they originally had a lot of complaints against Arthit, they couldn't help but feel sympathy for him now that they saw him running for so long in the pouring rain, and naturally they didn't want to refute what Kongpob said.

As time passed, Arthit's footsteps became slower and slower.

Kongpob felt as if his heart was in his throat as he watched his faltering figure.

Finally, the seniors who were waiting on the other side of the stand stood up and walked down, and it seemed that Arthit had reached the last lap.

For the entire 54 laps, minus the little bit of time Kongpob showed up, he ran to the end without stopping at all.

Kongpob's heart ached, but he couldn't help but admire him for being so stubborn.

Even this stinky temper of his that he couldn't bicker his way out of, made Kongpob feel like he couldn't help but like him a little more again.

["Dude, it's almost over, come on!" ]

["Come on! Don't worry, take your time!" ]

["Come on! Don't worry, take your time!" ]

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