Chapter 1- 0062

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Words written in italics are Arthit's thoughts. the underlined italics are some explanation.


In the bustling campus, the crowd is buzzing.

It was the time of the year for new students to enroll in university. (freshmen's season)

Arthit looked at the excited fresh faces and seemed to see his past in a trance.

When he first entered the university, he seemed to be the same, full of longing, radiance, and full of expectations for his future of life, as if the happiness in this world had already been held in his hand.

But it was only two years before, however the scenes are entirely different now.

Because of the uniform he wore, many of his junior's wai-ed him along the way, and Arthit responded absent-mindedly. Not long after he saw his group of friends

A few of them were discussing something and as hazers they were supposed to welcome the freshmen today and presumably they were all new to their duties hence they all seem excited.

Arthit walked up to them and sat down.

Before he could wait to sit still, Prem saw him and asked "where have you been for so long that you are not even present at the freshmen report?" (why he didn't attend the freshmen's orientation)

"I have stomachache" Arthit replied casually.

Prem apparently believed it and shook his head helplessly "How come it is so false?"

Knot who was sitting beside Arthit leaned closer probably afraid that in case he missed the gossip of the Orientation nudged him saying, "There's a first year student who is very handsome this year".

With that tone if you didn't know you would have wonder if he was bent.

But still playing along Arthit cooperated, he raised his eyebrow asking "who?"

"it's more hype than when you first came" at the mention of this, Prem became clearly interested again, gossiping together and showing of his imitation show "Kongpob, 0062!"

"......." BOOM----

That familiar and unfamiliar name was like a thunderbolt that instantly exploded Arthit's memory that was deliberately sealed in the deepest part of his mind.

"My name is Kongpob. What is your name?"

"It's a bit rainy today, can you take me home?"

"We will be friends from now on here's my number, dial it so I can save yours"

"I called to invite you to dinner, thank you for taking me home last time"

"I later....Can I call you at any time?"

These words that came as flashbacks were said by the person called Kongpob.

It's just that Arthit didn't think that one day he would hear the name again.

He was caught off guard.

"Arthit what is wrong with you?" his friend saw that he was not alright "relax I still stand by you".

Arthit hurriedly recovered "it's's okay"

His face was back to his usual smile in front of his friends but his heart was already in a mess.

For the rest of the day, Arthit had no desire to worry about anything else and ate with his friends although it unappetizing to him, later excusing himself saying he was too tired. He returned to his apartment early.

It just seemed that the apartment, which had always been deserted, was a little more desolate and disturbing now.

Arthit was in no way able to admit that he was disturbed by that one name.

He had always been proud that he would have been with a boy named Kongpob at the beginning, and it was entirely due to the other party's stalking.

It was just that the latter vowed to hunt him for the rest of his life, but for him this kind of out oath turned out to be just a casual talk.

Luckily he didn't believe it either.

Probably by trying to keep himself calm, Arthit could prove that he had already gotten over that embarrassing feelings.

He didn't believe it and didn't particularly like it, so even if that person didn't keep his promise it was fine.

He had long forgotten about it anyway.

If it weren't for hearing the same name, surely he wouldn't actually think about it.

Yeah, it's just the same name

"Next year's exam, I have to report to Oon's college. Wait for me" He did say at that time.

But a year has passed since he said that.

He may have already gone to another school with his boyfriend who was in love with him.

Or maybe there was a new one now, too__

Realizing that he had actually started to childishly curse the feelings of those two, Arthit's lips pursed.

Okay, he admitted, those two childhood sweethearts who had grown up together might have been the fated pair.

In comparison, he who had only known Kongpob for few months before settling in a relationship with him, was probably nothing more than a catalyst in their relation.

Arthit grew up to be a very good person, with excellent grades and good looks, and even often tops in various after-school competitions.

Such a person who is always at the top is somewhat conceited, and even less likely to fall for anyone easily.

And the first time he gave his feelings, he lost to a guy who seemed ordinary to him.

It was a bit difficult to get someone so proud to admit that he has played a supporting role in someone else love story.

Therefore, maybe the sudden stinging sensation in his heart right now is the result of residual resentment.

Get a goodnight sleep and you'll wake up tomorrow and forget all about it. 



Hello everyone, Welcome to I AM HIM 👼🏻💜

First and Foremost, thank you for taking your time reading this book. This book will be the first story that I will be translating from Chinese to English. Original story credits to the author Su Bie Xu. 

Thank you in advance for reading, voting and commenting.

PS. Hope you give it a chance and enjoy the ride 🤗

Edited: 14/11/2021

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