Chapter 23- Showing off

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At night, the campus is quiet most of the time, except for tonight.  

Because of the upcoming orientation activities, all departments were preparing in full swing, and although the teaching buildings were not exactly brightly lit, people were still coming and going.

Naturally, the Engineering faculty was no exception.  

Kongpob thought about the comment they just made to Arthit, and felt so irritated that he didn't bother to greet the passing students, so he could only try to get to the less crowded place.

He walked all the way to the back of the stairs in the darkness, only to see that there was already someone standing in the darkness.  

Kongpob recognized Arthit, his senior who had just resigned, and his neighbor across the street who had been avoiding him.

Arthit's back, which had always been straight in front of others, now looked much more relaxed, but the feeling of relaxation was not relaxed, but decadent from the inside out.  

His hand came up abruptly, as if he was wiping a hand over his face.

And in the stillness of the night, Kongpob heard a clear sob as he did so.  

Kongpob's heart shuddered hard, Arthit was he...crying?

His footsteps, which he had intended to leave quietly, couldn't help but slow down, and after hesitating for a long time, he finally managed to raise his foot and approach Arthit.  

"P' Arthit." Kongpob opened his mouth to call out.

Arthit turned back reflexively, but in the next instant he realized what was happening and hurriedly turned back again.  

But for that one moment only, Kongpob had also seen the tears in the corners of his eyes through the faint light in the distance.

He opened his mouth to trying to comfort him, but realized that the man in front of him was so proud that he must not have wanted to find out he'd been crying at all. So the words came to his lips, and then rawly changed the content, out of his mouth asked the question that had been nagging at his heart for the past two days: "Why did you quit? ?"  

Arthit wiped his fingers hard in front of his eyes and retorted without turning his head, "What business is it of yours! What are you doing here?"

His nasal cavity was also blocked due to the secretion of tears, and the words that had just left his mouth were still heavily nasal, and he couldn't hide them even if he wanted to.  

Arthit paused, understanding the futility of trying to act as if nothing had happened, and simply turned around and looked at him with no good grace. "Isn't it just what you wanted, not seeing me? Why come back to me!"

"So the senior's resignation is really for us, is it?" His tone was still questioning, but looking at the meaning of the words, he no longer needed Arthit to answer, "P' Why do you hate me and M when you care so much about your juniors?"

In the face of the man in front of him, the term senior was a bit of a tongue twister, he called it.

"For whatever we did, I apologize, as long as senior can go back." Kongpob's tone was sincere.  

If before, his heart was still angry at Arthit's inexplicable disgust, then the moment he saw this unknown vulnerability of his, Kongpob's entire heart had softened into a puddle of water, where there was no anger left.

But Arthit couldn't help but interrupt him harshly, "Kongpob, will you leave me alone! Now that you know why I resigned, take him out of my sight from now on!"  

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