Chapter 1

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 Graphic descriptions of murder and death in this chapter 

You have been Warned!


The clattering of hooves meeting the rocky ground below, mixed with the riders' tired pants and panicking heartbeats.

One of the men at the back of their group suddenly yelled in pain, which made the rest sped up. One by one they were picked off, but none of them dared to look back, for they were much too afraid of staring death in the face.

"Woah!" the man in front yelled, as he pulled hard on his horse's reins, coming to a complete stop at the edge of a cliff.

He clucked his tongue and dismounted. He abandoned his stallion at the top then starting the long decent down, his companions not far behind.

When they reached the bottom, they quickly ran towards the tree line of a pine forest, internally rejoicing that they made it this far.

"Come on guys, just a bit more and we'll be safe." their leader encouraged.

The groups' cheers were cut short when a blade pierced through their leader, and his body flopped over to reveal a pink haired man, with a hog's mask covering his face.

He was wearing a white shirt with black pants, and donned on a red kingly cape. Pure white wings, that seemed to be disconnected from the rest of his body since they floated behind his cape, encircled his form. His head bore a halo that looked more like a crown, and he certainly looked terrifying with his blood soaked sword.

More screams emitted from the behind them, and they turned to see some of their friends being burned to crisps, by a raven head in a black long sleeved shirt. The fallen's identity was concealed behind a domino white masked, secured to his face by a white ribbon knotted at the back of his head.

The group quickly ran in different directions. The humans who had nearly made it to the cover of the forest, quickly fell to their doom, as the earth opened up to form a wide ravine with lava at the bottom.

Once their bodies were burnt to ashes by the molten rock, the earth closed up again.

"Nice work Dream," The pink haired man commented towards a Fallen decked in green and white robes, with a hood covering his hair.

Dream's whole face was covered behind a white circular mask, and two halos intertwined in front of the mask forming an X. Below that X, on the mask was the letter D, but it was flipped so it looked more like a smile. The man also wore black finger less gloves, and had a large set of golden wings behind him.

Dream glanced up towards the pink haired man, and was about to say something back when one of the humans, who they thought was already dead, tried to sneak up on the pink haired Fallen.

Suddenly the human was trapped in something that looked like a dark blue cloud, and the Fallen with a hog mask quickly ended the human's life.

"Nice save Wilbur, and Technoblade, try to stay focus," Dream said, making the ghost like fallen smile, while Techno let out a huff.

"How are you holding up Sapnap?" Dream asked the raven head.

"Fine I guess..." Sapnap answered. "Where's Skeppy?"

Dream shrugged, and the pair left Techno and Wilbur to look for their mischievous friend. They found their dark haired friend giggling evilly at a man and a woman, who were holding onto each other for dear life.

"Let's play a game of tag!" Skeppy declared. The little shards of diamonds sprinkled across his arms glimmered, as he waved them around excitedly.

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