Chapter 3

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Quackity whistled as he walked down the long tunnel leading to Jchlatt's room. When he reached the door he could hear two loud voices coming from the inside.

"This isn't fair! Other kids my age get to go out, why can't I?"

"Enough Tubbo! I do not want to hear another word on this matter."

"So what? You want me to stay underground for the rest of my life, and drown myself in alcohol like you do all day."

"Watch your mouth boy!"

"You haven't done a single thing since mum died. Our people look to you for guidance and hope during this dark period, but all you do is laze around and wallow in self pity."

"Tubbo..." Jschlatt said in a warning tone.

"No! Don't you 'Tubbo' me! I'm not the one running away from his responsibilities. Maybe it is time that we chose a more capable leader!" The voice got increasingly louder as the boy neared the door.

Tubbo flung the door open in anger and stomped away. In his fury, he didn't even notice Quackity, and the man decided not to call after the boy.

Instead, Quackity quietly walked into the room were he saw Jschlatt huffing in anger. The man's face was red, and with a frustrated yell he threw the bottle of alcohol, that he was holding, in Quackity's direction.

Quackity calmly caught the bottle before it hit him and sighed. Jschlatt grimaced when he realized that he had almost hit his second in command, and muttered an apology.

"Schlatt, you need to loosen up on Tubbo, man."

"And lose him as well?" Jschlatt shot back as he slumped into a chair.

Quackity eyes scanned the room, and he noticed the abnormal amount of empty bottles, "you shouldn't be drinking so much..."

"It helps me sleep," Jschlatt reasoned.

Quackity leaves the room for a little while, and returns with a bowl of soup. He then gently gets Jschlatt to finish it, before helping him to his bed.

"Tubbo..." Jschlatt called out sleepily.

"I'll find him, now sleep." Quackity commanded, and he waited till his leader's breaths evened out before leaving the room.

"Now where did that boy go?" Quackity wondered, as he surveyed the many tunnels in front of him.


Tubbo kicked the little rocks that covered his path, as he trudged up a hill. He had managed to escape the tunnels without getting caught, and though it has been a year since he was last outside, his brain remembered the familiar trail that he was on.

On the hill's peak stood a large oak tree, and underneath it was a swing. Tubbo approached it cautiously, making sure to keep an eye out for any mobs or fallen.

He then sat down on the swing and lightly kicked the ground, making it rock him back and forth.

"Tubbo!" he could almost hear his mother call out to him. He was just a kid when Jschlatt built this swing for him, and the family would occasionally journey outside the tunnels to come to this very hill.

"One day my boy, you'll be able to run around without fear of the Fallen. Just like our ancestors did."

Tubbo remembered giggling childishly at his father's declaration.

"What? Don't you believe me? Just you watch son, your father's going to fight the fallen and win." Jschlatt continued, making little Tubbo playfully mock him. As Jschlatt would continue to make such claims, his mother would giggle at them from the distance.

Those were the good times, but his relationship with his father became strained a year ago, after his mother died from an illness. That day, Tubbo was left alone with his mother, while Jschlatt was leading his troops against the Fallen.

Jschlatt had to retreat after losing so many men, and returned to hear the news that his wife had passed. After that, Jschlatt refused to leave the tunnels, no longer having the motivation to fight the Fallen, nor be a decent father to his son.

Brewing, was one of the skills that humans passed down to the next generation after the Fallen's first attack, and alcohol had just changed him completely.

Tubbo could feel the tears starting to pool at the corners of his eyes. He wanted his mother back, and he wanted his father to return to the man that he used to be. The man who he admired and aspired to be like.


"Tommy! Come back here! Your father and brothers are going to be so mad, when they find out that you left the palace without permission!" Ranboo yelled after the blonde fallen, who was enjoying his time above the clouds.

"Live a little Ranboo! Plus, they don't have to know about this!"

"Tommy! Come on, let's just go back!" Ranboo tried to reason to his friend, but it fell on deaf ears.

Tommy suddenly stopped, and floated in place as he gazed down. Ranboo followed his gaze and  saw a crying figure.

"It's a human," Ranboo stated, with a bit of worry in his voice.

He had never met one, and neither had Tommy. They only met Techno and Sapnap after they had been converted, but from all the tales that the warriors told them, they knew that humans were to be feared for they were the enemy.

Tommy slowly descended towards the human, but Ranboo caught his arm. "What are you doing?" He hissed.

"I've never met a human before Ranboo, I want to see how they look like up close."

"He could be dangerous."

"He's just a boy!" Tommy shot back as he pulled his arm free, and swooped down to the boy.

Tubbo had felt the rush of wind, and looked up instantly to see what had caused it. His heart rate picked up when he saw the two fallen in front of him, and he immediately jumped off the swing and backed away.

As they landed on the ground, he pulled out his small diamond dagger and pointed it at them.

"Hey there! My name's Tommy and this is Ranboo! What's yours?" one of the fallen said, surprising Tubbo with his friendly tone.

Tubbo was about to answer, but then chose to keep his guard up and stay silent. He continued to back away slowly towards the woods, and prepared to run.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you." Ranboo tried to reassure, but Tubbo didn't budge.

Tommy suddenly flew forward, and got within inches of Tubbo's dagger. "So what's your name big man?"

"Tubbo! Where are you?" Quackity's voice called from the forest, and Tubbo instantly turned towards the voice.

A whirl of wind suddenly encompassed him, as the two young fallen took off and disappeared from sight.

"There you are," Quackity said when he finally spotted the boy. "Come along now, your father is very worried about you, and Red saved you a slice of cake from dinner."

Tubbo allowed the older man to drag him back home, but he would glance back every once in a while, to see if he could spot the two fallen that he had just met.

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