Chapter 23

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"Be careful on your way home, once we're done preparing we'll head over to your base." The leader of one of the remaining human communities said. They had successfully managed to reach the first group on their list, and after giving them a simple demonstration, they left each member one gun and a supply of bullets.

"Thank you Zelk, but we still need to find more allies." Bad explained with a smile.

"In that case, you should head east from here. There is a large ravine where another group lives." Another man who introduced himself as Vurb informed.

"Mega can show you the way, he's been there before. Finn, can you please call him," Zelk asked the man standing to his right.

Finn nodded and left for a few seconds, before returning with a young boy in tow.

"Now behave Mega, we need you to show our guest to the canyon," Finn said as he dragged the unwilling boy along.

Mega let out a huff and Vurb handed him a small satchel with enough supplies for the boy's trip.

"He's mute and a bit stubborn at times, but he will get you there safely," Zelk stated, before motioning for the boy to join him.

"Now be safe okay," he reminded Mega, who gave his leader a quick nod.

Mega then started walking due east, Quackity and the rest said their goodbyes to their new comrades, before quietly following after the boy.

After walking through the forest for a couple of hours, Mega stopped and pointed to where the trees ended to reveal a vast desert. Dividing the forest from the desert was a very deep ravine, and the group could hear the rush of water from a river flowing down below.

The boy then quietly took Bad's hand and lead them to the very edge of the cliff, before pointing to something below.

Bad strained his eyes and caught sight of a cave down below.

"Is that where they live?" he asks the boy.

Mega shook his head then took out a sheet of paper from his bag. The boy then proceeded to draw something on it.

The rest of the group huddled around to see what he was trying to say.

"A boat?" Karl asked when Mega completed his drawing.

"So there are boats in the cave, and we need to use it to go deeper?" George concluded and Mega confirmed it with a nod.

"Thank you, Mega, get home safely now," Quackity said.

Mega waved his goodbyes before heading back to the forest.

Meanwhile, the group quickly scaled down the walls, using some equipment that they brought, and headed towards the cave.

Sure enough, there were a couple of rowboats. They dragged two out to the rushing river, where Karl and Quackity got in one, while George and Bad took the other.

It was hard to control their tiny rowboats since the river was a bit wild and incredibly noisy, but somehow they managed to make it further down the ravine to where they entered a rather large cave.

The water suddenly slowed down and all was quiet. The atmosphere was very eerie especially since the cave was rather dark. But though everything was silent, they knew that they weren't alone. They could feel it, somewhere in the darkness someone was watching them.

"Who goes there!" a voice called out, with an accent.

"We are men serving under Jschlatt, we have come to meet with your leader," Quackity answered.

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