Chapter 14

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George scanned all the notes and pictures in his notebook. The images were rather faded, but still readable. This notebook had belonged to his grandfather, and it bore all the knowledge of their kind during humanity's golden years. Back when there were things such as airplanes and internet, which George had only heard of in stories.

The brunette has always been intrigued by the inventions of mankind. Though humans had to let those things go, in order to survive in their new normal, George couldn't help but believe that the answer to ending this war laid in the past.

One day as he was scanning through the notebook, he noticed a diagram of something called a gun. It had a full list of pieces, and how to assemble it. There were also notes around it stating that it was one of humanity's greatest weapons, but the bullets merely bounced off the fallen so it proved to be useless in the war.

George then combined the knowledge of the past and the future, and created his own version of a gun. The very weapon that he used on Dream when they first met.

Diamonds were the only thing effective against the fallen, but creating diamond bullets proved to be quite difficult. He and Bad had almost given up, but then George discovered netherite, and the pair were soon elbows deep in experimenting with the new ore.

The results were rather disappointing so far, with effective bullets being the only thing they got out of it, but George fully believed that there must be a way to bring the mineral to its full potential.

"Perhaps there is a way to apply it to our weapons?" George wondered out loud.

In the corner of the room, Bad looked up from the sword that he was making, and quirked an eyebrow at his partner, "Meaning?"

"Well we can't use it like other materials, but what if we used the netherite to coat a weapon?"

Bad thought for a minute, "it could work... but we would need more netherite to experiment."

"I'm planning to grab some tonight," George said.

"Be careful George, and keep an eye out for fallen."

"I will!" He responded cheerfully, choosing not to mention that his companion for the night happened to be one.

After gathering everything that he would need, and dressing up in his usual attire, he quickly makes his way to the surface and headed straight for the nether.

Once there, he searches for the tunnel that he had previously made, then makes his way to the very end of it. George lets out a deep breath as he pulls out a TNT stick.

He carefully lights it and drops it on the ground, before running for his life. He manages to find some cover before it goes, leaving a large excavated area.

This was how he accidentally found ancient debris the first time, which he then used to make netherite scrapes.

George scans the newly made hole for any signs of ancient debris. When he finds none, he heads to one of the walls and lights another TNT. He continues this process, not worrying much about being heard since he was much too far underground, and the nether was already noisy as it is.

He was half way through his stack of TNT, when he hears the flapping of wings behind him. He turns immediately and draws out his iron dagger, before pressing it to Dream's neck.

"Oh it's you..." George states, and cautiously lowers the weapon.

Though the human did not fully trust the fallen, he knew by the demigod's stance alone that Dream meant him no harm.

"What are you mining for?" Dream asks in a friendly voice, making the brunette relax even more.

"Oh I'm looking for these..." George said, as he showed the small amount  of ancient debris that he had managed to collected.

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