Chapter 11

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Karl pulled the last carrot from the tiny patch, and carefully stored it in his bag. Humans couldn't farm like they used to, or the fallen would take notice. So they had several tiny plots hidden away, and would tend to them regularly.

The brunette then pulled out a covered medium sized basket from his bag, which contained tiny carrot saplings. He planted them into the soil and watered them before leaving.

He then headed over to the area where the sugar cane grew, and grabbed as many stocks that he could. He cut them into smaller pieces and bundled them up so they could fit in his bag. All he needed now were rabbits, melons, and puffer fish.

He decided to save the melons and rabbits for last, and headed to the ocean first. Just as he was about reach the beach, a hand clamped over his mouth, and an arm wrapped around his waist from behind.

Karl struggled against his attacker, trying to bite and claw his way free. It wasn't until his back was pulled flush against his attacker's chest, did he stopped struggling.

He realized that he recognized these hands and warmth, and the voice that spoke next only confirmed his suspicions.

"I won't hurt you, but I have a few questions that need to be answered, and I'm not letting you go till you tell me what you know." Sapnap stated.

Shivers ran down Karl's spine, Why? Why does he have to torment me in this way...

"Nod if you're willing to cooperate," Sapnap continued, and the brunette did.

Sapnap removed his hand from Karl's mouth, but kept a firm grip on his waist. The contact had the latter's body heat up, as he slowly melted into the touch.

"Who was I to you?" Sapnap asked again.

"We were lovers..." Karl answered honestly, in a voice barely above a whisper.

Sapnap's grip loosened, and Karl broke free to face him. The fallen had fixed his mask, but since it only covered the top part of his face, the human could see his shocked expression clearly.

"Well? What else do you need to know?" Karl asked coldly.

Sapnap actually had mentally prepared a list of questions, but Karl's answer just wiped his mind blank. I loved him, yet I can't even remember him... does he still love me?

"Is that all? I'm rather busy at the moment," Karl stated before side stepping around the Fallen, and heading to the water.

The brunette was aware that the demigod had not left, and was quietly trailing behind him. Karl rolled his eyes then pulled out his crossbow. He attached a long piece of string to the arrow, and tied the other end to the weapon.

After loading the arrow in, he double checked everything, then stood up to remove his shirt. He subtly glance back to watch Sapnap's reaction, and saw the fallen blushing profusely before turning away.

Karl had to stifle a chuckle, but then he was hit with a wave of sadness. His Sapnap would have watched the whole show with a smug smile, sometimes whistling and dramatically cheering him on.

The brunette pushed the memory away and discarded his shirt on the shore, along with his main bag. He had a semi-water proof one, that was a bit thicker, to store the puffer fish he would spear. He then drank a bottle of water breathing potion, to help him stay submerge longer.

Without a word to the fallen behind him, he dove into the water, and started searching for his first target. His eyes spotted a puffer fish nearby, and he swam closer before aiming his crossbow. He expertly shot through the fish then slowly pulled the arrow back, with the puffer skewered on it.

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