Chapter 8

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Karl groaned as he tried to stretch out his stiff body, before slowly opening his eyes. He found himself in a large tree, with no recollection on how he got there. He tried not to panic, and make a mistake that would cause him to fall.

"You're finally awake..." a voice said from above him.

Karl snapped his head in the direction of the voice, and saw Sapnap sitting on one of the branches above. Karl started patting his clothes in search of his daggers, which Sapnap held up.

"Looking for these?" the fallen asked.

Karl's heart rate sped up. Here he was, stuck in a tree with a demigod, that just so happened to look like his dead lover, and with no way to defend himself.

"I'll give them back to you, if you promise not to attack me," Sapnap said.

Karl gave a cautious nod, and Sapnap threw the weapons towards the brunette, who promptly picked them up. The human held onto their hilts tightly, preparing to defend himself if the fallen would try to do something.

Sapnap gracefully glided down from the branch, so that they were just a couple of feet away from each other. Karl's heart clench when the moonlight, that seeped through the tree's leaves, illuminated the raven head's handsome face.

A face that had appeared in every dream that Karl has had for the past year. Karl's hands twitched with the desire to run up and hug the fallen tight, so he tightened his hold on his daggers, reminding himself that this man wasn't his lover.

"What is your name?" Sapnap asked.

Why does he have to sound exactly like him? Karl mentally groaned, hating the hairs on his arms that stood up, and the shivers that ran through his body.

True, Sapnap's voice seemed to echo in an ethereal way, but it was not enough to ruin the original husky tone, that Karl loved waking up to every single day before.

"Karl..." he answered.

"Karl," Sapnap repeated making the brunette heat up.

How long has he wished and prayed for this, to hear Sapnap call his name again. The need to touch this fallen in front of him was growing by the minute.

I need to get out of here... Karl decided silently.

"How do you know me?" Sapnap then asked.

Karl tensed up, "I don't..."

"You're lying, you said my name after you sliced off my mask."

Karl's eyes widen at this information, "Your name is Sapnap?"

"Yes... I am not a fallen but a converted." the raven head explained.

"Converted?" Karl probed.

"A human that was turned into a fallen." Sapnap explained plainly.

Karl's heart started pounding in this chest, if that was true, then this man in front of him...

"I have lost all my memories regarding my human life after I was converted a year ago, but have grown a little curious and want to know who I was as a human. I was hoping you could tell me..." Sapnap continued.

Karl simply nodded then looked down, already feeling the tears welling up in his eyes. He doesn't remember me...

The brunette pushed back the tears then lifted his head. He had to jump back a bit when he realized that Sapnap had closed the distance between them, and the fallen's face was now merely inches away.

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