Chapter 7

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Diamonds work, but we need something stronger. This ore that I found in the Nether seems to be better than diamonds, but I need to refine it somehow. George thought as he wrote down a couple of notes in his notebook using a quill.

On the table were several ores that he and Bad had collected over time. He glanced over to the new ore that he found in the Nether, which he decided to term as netherite.

Perhaps mixing it with another ore will work...

Suddenly there was a knock at his door.

"George?" Karl called from outside.

George quickly used a cloth to cover up the ores and notes on his table, before slightly opening his door. Enough for them to see each other, yet a subtly way to make sure that Karl would not come in.

"What is is Karl? Is something wrong?" George asked gently.

"Uh no, I just wanted to go on a nighttime stroll, and was wondering if you'd like to join me?"

George was conflicted, he knew that Karl has been feeling rather lonely this past year, but he needed to do his research.

"Sorry Karl, maybe next time okay..."

"Oh okay..." Karl replied, and it hurt George to see the disappointed look on his friend's face.

"Be careful out there," George reminded, and Karl gave him a small smile as a response before leaving.

George sighed as he shut his door, then he returned back to his table.


Meanwhile, back at the Sky palace, Sapnap was taking a nap. Fallen didn't have to sleep, but sometimes there was nothing else to do. The raven head suddenly found himself dreaming of things that seemed almost familiar.

"Sapnap," a voice called, and the raven head felt a comforting warmth surround him.

He opened his eyes and discovered that now he was in a torched lit cave, decorated in a way to make it look more like a home. He was wearing a white t-shirt over his long sleeved black shirt, and his wings were gone.

But what really caught the attention, was a head of brown hair laying on his chest. His hand flew up to tangle his fingers through the locks, and the man on his chest stirred.

The brunette lifted his head up, but his face was blurred out, which only brought the raven head more confusion.

"Ah you're awake, can we go for a moonlight stroll, please..." the man begged. His voice stirring an ache of need in the Fallen's chest.

Sapnap tried to respond, but his voice wouldn't leave his throat.

The brunette then stood up and motioned towards the door, and Sapnap's body started moving on its own. The stranger in front of him was humming as they walked down the long tunnels, that led to the surface.

Suddenly the brunette reached for his hand, and started pulling him along. Little giggles left the brunette's throat, and Sapnap could feel a smile forming on his own face at the alluring sound.

Time seemed to have slowed down completely as they ran towards an open plain, where they got a clear view of the starry night sky. The brunette then twirled around and hooked his arms around Sapnap's neck, while the Fallen held onto the stranger's waist.

Sapnap then felt his lips move, as if he was saying something yet he couldn't hear his own voice, but the brunette apparently did, since he pulled them closer together.

"I love you too..." the stranger said before they both leaned in, but just as their lips were seconds away from touching, Sapnap woke up.

Sapnap rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly, trying to remember every single detail of his dream. Was that just a dream...or was it a memory? He wondered, for it had all seemed so real.

Unlike Techno, who seemed rather happy with his new life as a converted, Sapnap, though thankful for Herobrine granting him mercy, was not.

He had dreams like these every once in a while, and all of them showed the same brown haired man, whose face he could not see. He didn't think it was possible to miss a life that he couldn't even remember. Yet each time that he saw the brunette while dreaming, he felt a terrible pain in his heart.

His whole body kept yearning to remain asleep, so he could spend more time with this mysterious boy.

Sapnap slowly stood up and stretched out his wings, maybe the cool night air will clear my head...

Sapnap flapped his wings which carried him far above the clouds, then graceful glided back down to the ground. Something about the area felt nostalgic to him, and his feet brought him to an open field. The very one that he saw in his dreams.

And right at the center of this field, stood a brown haired human, gazing up to the sky with sad eyes. Sapnap approached the human without thinking, and when the brunette spotted him, he reached to his hips and pulled out two daggers.

Karl was poised and ready to strike, as he watched the fallen in front of him warily. He wouldn't be able to win with only iron weapons, but he just needed to make a clean escape.

Slowly the brunette backed away to the tree line, but Sapnap suddenly decided to fly and land right in front of him.

Karl steeled himself and started to swing his daggers at the fallen, who dodged his attacks with ease. The brunette did not give up however, and continued to go on the offensive, his attacks getting more quicker and smoother as the fight continued, which caused Sapnap to panic a bit.

Karl then  slashed his dagger across Sapnap's face, but the fallen managed to twist his face in time, so the blade did not break his skin. The dagger did slice the fallen's mask in two however, and when Karl saw Sapnap's face, he froze and his eyes widened.

"Sapnap?" Karl's whispered out, and this caught the fallen's attention as well.

"You know me?" he asked.

Karl just stood there in complete shock, well seeing your supposed to be dead lover after a year can do that to you.

So many questions were flying through Sapnap's mind as well, but he may have just found the one person who had the answers to it all. Sapnap was about to ask how they knew each other, when Karl's face contorted in anger.

"Is this some sick joke... you fallen truly are despicable." Karl gritted out through his teeth. "I know you guys have special abilities, but to be able to change one's appearance to that of a love one is just..."

Sapnap was confused now, did this human really think that this wasn't his real face.

The fallen suddenly had to step back, as Karl's dagger came dangerously close to cutting his cheek.

"I will not allow you to desecrate my memories of him!" Karl angrily yelled, as he continued to attack the fallen in front of him.

Sapnap tried to say something as he dodged each attack, not wishing to hurt the human, but Karl was much too consumed by anger to listen.

"Forgive me..." Sapnap whispered out before vanishing.

Karl scanned around the darkness for the fallen, who suddenly appeared behind him. Before Karl could even react, Sapnap lightly struck him on his neck, effectively knocking the human out.


A little throwback to Loving you is a Crime

Those of you who read it know what scene I'm talking about :)

Also a quick reminder to you guys:


If done incorrectly you could kill or severely hurt someone!

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