Chapter 18

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Sapnap sat under one of the trees in the Sky palace's garden, with only one person on his mind... a certain human with brown hair and a bright smile.

Sapnap's lips tugged up when he remembered Karl's laugh, and how warm he felt when he held the human to shield him from the other fallen.

That day when they separated at the entrance to the tunnels, Sapnap felt a terrible pain in his chest. As if Karl had taken a piece of him, and left a void that nothing but the human could fill.

His heart clenched as he continued to think about Karl, I have to see him...

He quickly stood up and was preparing to take off, when he heard Dream and Skeppy call out to him.

"Where are you going? It's late?" Dream asked.

"Just out for a fly, I'll be back soon." Sapnap stated, feeling a bit impatient to go find Karl.

"We'll go with you!" Skeppy cheerfully stated.

"NO!" Sapnap suddenly yelled, making his two friends jump back in surprise.

The raven head cleared his throat, "I mean no, I really need to get my thoughts in order... so please just let me go alone."

"Well okay then, be careful..." Dream answered.

"I will," Sapnap said before zooming off to find Karl.

"Do you think that he'll be okay?" Skeppy asked, "he seems so out of it..."

"Yeah, I don't think that it's safe for him to just fly around distracted," Dream agreed.

"So what are we going to do?"

Dream spread his wings, and shot Skeppy a playful smile, "We follow him of course."


What is wrong with me? George is right, as long as the fallen exist we humans will never have a future. My Sapnap is gone... That fallen is not him... Karl stated in his head, trying his best to convince himself.

The brunette let out a sigh, his heart breaking as he tries to come to terms with the circumstances. He is the enemy Karl...

A gust of wind surround him and he draws out his sword.

"Relax Karl...It's just me..." Sapnap states cheerfully, as he takes off his mask and tosses it aside.

Karl held up his cold expression, and kept the blade pointed towards the fallen.

"Karl?" Sapnap called out, confused as to why the human seemed to be hostile.

"What do you want Sapnap huh? I answered your question, now leave me alone."

"Karl what happened? I thought that we were fine..."

"Fine? For goodness sake Sapnap, our kinds have been at war for a hundred years. Whatever is going on between us is not normal, just go back to living your new life as a fallen."

Sapnap felt like a knife had just stabbed his heart. In all his time as a Converted, he had never felt such pain.

"I thought..."

"You thought what?" Karl spat out angrily, having no idea where his sudden rage was coming from.

"I thought that you loved me..." Sapnap stated sadly.

Karl let out ragged breaths, his chest ached when he heard those words.

"Sapnap... you used to make me so happy, but now everything that you do hurts me." he stated.

Sapnap looked up to see a few tears leave Karl's eyes, while the human's sword still pointed at him.

"It hurts to see and talk to you, knowing that I am the only one who remembers all the good times we spent together. It hurts to realize that the man that I love is gone, and all that is left is merely a shell." Karl had so much more to say, but the sobs that were leaving his throat prevented him from saying anymore.

Sapnap tried to stay still, not wanting to upset the human, but the minute that he saw the brunette break down, he flew towards him.

"NO! Stay back," Karl demanded, his weapon aimed to the fallen's chest.

Sapnap didn't listen and merely pushed the blade aside, before wrapping the human in a hug.

"Let go of me, don't touch me!" Karl yelled, as he aggressively tried to break free from the raven head's grip.

"I don't like seeing you cry, I won't let go till you stop." Sapnap stated.

"Please Sapnap, just let me go..." Karl begged, his mind telling him to run, while his body selfishly wanted him to stay. "I can't do this anymore... please... it hurts too much to be near you."

"Why Karl? Why does it hurt?" Sapnap asked gently.

Karl took in a deep breath before he spoke, "I spent this past year all alone, wishing for you to come home... every dream that I had would always be me in your arms, then I wake up and realized that you aren't there."

Sapnap pulled away slightly, and cupped Karl's tear stained cheeks. The human leaned into the touch before continuing.

"And when I finally started moving on, you return... not as my lover but as the enemy. How can I not feel hurt or betrayed by how cruel fate has been to the both of us."

"Karl look at me..." Sapnap begged, and the human met his eyes.

"Besides the fact that I don't have my memories anymore, what else has changed about me?"

"Your behavior, you were reckless and had the tendency to let your emotions control your actions. You were smug at times, but also very caring, and willing to put my needs above your own." Karl said with a small smile.

"Karl, does the fact that I am no longer like that, make it impossible for you to love me again?"

The brunette was silent as he pondered over Sapnap's words. The answer was obviously no, or Karl wouldn't be feeling this way around the fallen version of his past lover.

Sapnap took both of Karl's hands, and placed them over his beating heart. A small smile made its way to Karl's lips, as he felt the organ racing in the fallen's chest.

"My mind may not remember the times I spent with you before, but my heart does. It has never beaten this fast for anyone, and every time that we have to go our separate ways, it starts hurting like crazy. This is how I know that it still loves you Karl, I still love you."

"And the war?" Karl whispered out.

"Screw the war, I'm not letting anything come between us again. If I have to run away from the Sky Palace then I will do it, and I'm taking you with me."

"Where would we go?" Karl asks with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Anywhere that you want, somewhere we can live together in peace. But only if you can find it in you to love me again."

Karl let out a chuckle, "Again? Sapnap I never stopped."

The pair smiled at each other, then Karl wrapped his arms around Sapnap's neck, and pulled the fallen closer to lock their lips in a kiss.

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