Chapter 20

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George tightens his hold on the Fallen, but makes sure to not choke the demigod to death. Dream finally comes to a stop on a familiar cliff.

"Recognize this place?" Dream asks as he lands and puts George down.

"This is where we first met, well kind of any way." George says with a nostalgic smile.

"You came out from there and just started attacking me," Dream points out as he motions to the forest.

George blushes with embarrassment, "Yeah, sorry about that."

"Back then we were still enemies, so I do not hold a grudge against your actions." Dream explains.

They both sat down on the edge of the cliff, with their feet dangling in the air.

"Dream, can you tell me more about how the world used to be?" George suddenly asks.

"I think it is best to show you," Dream explained.

The fallen waves his hand and some sort of screen appears. The demigod turns his memories into pictures and short videos, that he flashes on the screen. He watches his companion's reactions silently, while George lets out gasps of amazement at all the wonders that he sees.

Dream then slowly reaches out, and places an arm around George's shoulder. This surprises the brunette, who snaps his head towards the demigod.

Dream says nothing, and instead he gently rubs the human's shoulder with his thumb. A light shade of pink dusts George's cheeks before he turned his attention back to the screen. The fallen the carefully guides George's head to his own shoulder, which the brunette responds to by shooting him a shy smile.

The pair continued to sit in silence till the little show was over. Dream was a bit worried that the human would move out of his hold, but George surprised him by snuggling closer.

"Do you think that the current generation of humans could restore this world to what it used to be a century ago?" George suddenly asked.

"I have no doubt that you will, and I will be there to support you the entire way." Dream promised.

George sighed, "Well first we need to get this war settled, then we can think of the future."

Dream maneuvered himself slightly so that both of his arms now wrapped around George's waist from behind, and the human's head rested on his chest. The fallen checked to see if the brunette was okay with this new position, and got his answer when George merely flashed him a bright smile.

"Is your favorite color yellow Dream?" George asks.

"No, why?"

"Your robes... I just assumed since your outfit was yellow that you liked the color."

"Well you are partly right, I am wearing my favorite color, but my clothes are green not yellow."

George's face heats up in the realization, and he wiggles out of the fallen's hold to cover his face, which was red in embarrassment.

"Why do you think my clothes are yellow?" Dream asks, a bit disappointed that the human was no longer in his arms.

"Ha ha ha, I was just joking Dream. I knew they were green the entire time," George chuckles out nervously.

Dream narrows his eyes suspiciously at George, before reaching out and cupping his face.

"Dweam..." George whines out cutely, as the demigod squishes his cheeks.

"Stop lying to me George," Dream says.

"I'm not lying," George mutters out while looking away.

"Look at me George," Dream commands, and the brunette turns back to look at the fallen's white mask. "You can tell me anything, I won't judge you."

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