Chapter 16

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When George wakes up the next morning, he is almost convinced that everything that happened was some wild dream. If it wasn't for his bag filled with netherite scrapes or the bars of gold on his table, then he would have surely gone with that conclusion.

George slowly gets up, and walks over to his desk to pick up a gold bar. "Stubborn angel... " he says with a giggle, before placing them in his bag.

He heads over to the weapon workshop that he shares with Bad, and is surprised to not find his friend there. He does however, find a note that the brunette left, explaining that he was mining again.

He has certainly been doing a lot of that lately, George commented before suiting up to begin experimenting.

He rolls up his sleeves, and plasters a determined smile on his face. Alright then, let's do this!


Bad glances from corner to corner inside the cave, as he rows down the river that flows inside it.

"Skeppy?" Bad whispers out.

He hears the flapping of wings, but pegs it to be the bats hanging on the ceiling.

"Skeppy," he calls a bit louder.

"Boo!" the fallen suddenly yells from behind, startling the brunette and nearly causing the boat to capsize.

"You muffin head! Stop doing that!" Bad scolds, but Skeppy merely laughs, before settling into the boat, and sitting behind the human.

After the pair's last meeting, they agreed to meet again today to go boating on the underground rivers located nearby. Bad was surprisingly getting more and more comfortable around the diamond fallen, and found himself genuinely being excited to spend the day with him.

Though he did feel a tad bit guilty for leaving George all alone at the workshop.

These feeling was soon pushed aside, as Skeppy used his powers to make glowing diamonds appear on the cave walls, illuminating the cave so the pair could enjoy all its beauty.

Skeppy would often prank the brunette in front of him by rocking the boat a bit, or creating diamonds to lightly scrape the boat's side. The fallen found it entertaining whenever the human would jump in surprise, or let out a squeak.

Of course Bad was starting to get annoyed by the fallen's pranks, but every time he heard Skeppy laugh, he couldn't help but laugh along.

Bad glanced back at the fallen, who was trying to calm down after his most recent laughing fit, and saw Skeppy's body suddenly tense up, "Ah Bad, turn around."

Bad pouted, I'm not falling for such a simple prank. "Nice try Skeppy, but I'm not falling for that."

"No seriously look!"

"You're not getting me with that prank, you muffin head."

"Bad! Look!" Skeppy said, as he gently cupped the human's cheeks and forced him to look forward.

Bad had hardly enough time to find out what was alarming the fallen, before they started falling over a waterfall. The human screamed, as he continued to plummet down to the water below.

Skeppy caught him in midair, and landed on a patch of land at the center of the cave.

"Are you okay?" the fallen asked.

"Yeah, I'm good..." Bad responded though he was still out of breath. "Where's the boat?"

"Sorry Bad, but I don't think it survived that," Skeppy stated, pointing to the large waterfall that they just went over.

The force of the water plummeting down would have certainly drowned their tiny row boat. Well it wasn't that important anyway, and Bad could always craft another one.

Bad slowly laid down on the damp soil of the cave, "I haven't had this much fun in ages..." he declared, making Skeppy smile.

"Didn't you ever hang out with your friends?" the fallen asked curiously.

"Yes, but getting staying underground all the time gets boring... and when we do go out, it is to forage or mine, not play..."

Skeppy frowned, he had a very happy childhood with his fellow fallen. Wilbur and Dream were wonderful playmates, and to this day he would still have fun with them at the sky palace.

The fallen slowly realizes the effects that this war has had on the humans. Before it was all fun and games for him. He didn't care what happened as long as he got to enjoy his life, but now he feels guilty that his own race has robbed children of their happiness.

"I'm sorry..." he whispers out.

"Whatever for?" Bad asks.

"I don't know, I just feel the need to apologize. This stupid war between our races has stolen a lot of your happiness."

"It isn't your fault Skeppy, and I would like to hold on to a hope that this war will end someday. Then I will live the rest of my life making memories, enjoying every single moment till I die." Bad claimed with a look of serenity.

"Can I be in those memories?" Skeppy asks innocently.

Bad looked up at the fallen, who seemed to be hoping for a positive answer. How adorable... he thought, before smiling brightly and saying, "Of course Skeppy!"

Skeppy laid down besides him, and shyly linked their hands fingers together. Bad was a bit stunned at first by gesture, but he eventually tightened the hold and turned to his side. They both smiled at each other, though Bad couldn't see the Fallen's face.

Bad slowly reached up with his free hand, and hovered it over the fallen's mask.

"May I?" he asked politely, and Skeppy immediately nods.

Bad gently takes off the mask, and sees the fallen's bright smile, though there was a hint of blush dusting his cheeks.

"So... not what you were expecting?" Skeppy asked, after allowing Bad some time to take in his features.

"I don't know what I was expecting you to look like actually, but you are very handsome Skeppy," Bad answers cheerfully.

"You're not so bad yourself," the fallen replies, and the pair share a laugh.

Bad then reaches up to gently touch the blue gem on the fallen's forehead.

"All us fallen have it, it is our core and heart." Skeppy explains, which makes Bad's eyes widen with surprise.

"It is our weak point, and the reason why we wear mask. Should it break, we would disintegrate to dust." he continues.

Bad is genuinely touched that Skeppy trusted him enough to tell him this, and he wraps his arms around the fallen's waist, as they continue to lay on the ground.

"Thank you for trusting me enough to share that information Skeppy."

"I consider you as a very dear friend Bad..." the demigod admitted.

Bad pulled away slightly with a grin, "and I consider you as one of my good friends as well."

The pair continued to stay in that position for who knows how long, silently loving each other's company, and the calming sound of the waterfall nearby.

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