Chapter 30

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"Herobrine, I must speak to you! It's an emergency!" Philza said as he burst into their leader's room.

Herborine hardly reacted as he continued to scowl at a mirror that showed Sapnap and Skeppy in the courtyard.

"Sir?" Philza called again, as he and his family approached their leader.

It wasn't until they too looked at the mirror that they realized why Herobrine was scowling. Sapnap and Skeppy were talking to someone on their hand mirrors, and when Herobrine zoomed in they realized that the people they were talking to were humans.

"It appears that we have some traitors in our ranks," their leader finally spoke up.

"They must be dealt with accordingly, allow me and my boys to deal with them." Philza offered in an icy tone.

Herobrine cocked up an eyebrow, "What's wrong Philza, you were always an advocate for mercy and peace."

"Tommy has been poisoned by a human. You were right Herobrine, all humans do is caused death and destruction." Philza said with regret in his voice. If only he hadn't been blinded by the guilt of murdering humans and continued to help exterminate their race, then maybe Tommy would have never gotten hurt.

Herobrine stood up and placed a comforting hand on Phil's shoulder. "Only the humans know what the cure for their poison is. Don't worry Philza, we'll wring it out of their throats if we have to."

Herobrine stepped around Philza and spread his wings, "Tomorrow, we go to war."


"Karl, just go to sleep," Sapnap pleaded since he could see his boyfriend practically nodding off in the mirror.

"NO... no I'm not tired yet," Karl stated, trying to sound energetic though his eyelids were seconds away from dropping.

"Cutie, go to sleep, I'll see you in the morning," Sapnap stated, and Karl finally agreed.

"I love you Sapnap," Karl muttered out.

"I love you too cutie," came the reply before he cut the call.

A couple of feet away from Sapnap stood Skeppy, also saying goodnight to a tired Bad. After the diamond fallen cut the call, he pocketed his mirror and turned to Sapnap with a smirk.

"I love you too cutie," Skeppy teased, imitating Sapnap's voice only a bit more high-pitched. Sapnap summoned a fireball and threw it at Skeppy, who merely swiped it away.

"Shut up," Sapnap muttered out in embarrassment, causing Skeppy to giggle uncontrollably.

"Awww... you guys are so cute!" Skeppy squealed.

"Yeah whatever you say Muffin," The last word was spoken in a smug tone. Skeppy went bright red when he realized that Sapnap knew of the nickname Bad gave him.

This time it was Sapnap's turn to laugh, and as they headed to their rooms the pair continued to tease each other.

Suddenly Wilbur landed in front of them, his normally happy face now replaced by a harsh glare.

"Wilbur, what's wrong?" Sapnap asked.

Wilbur drew his sword and pressed the tip against Skeppy's neck.

"Wil what are you-" Sapnap said before he got cut off by Techno lightly pressing an ax to the back of his neck.

Skeppy and Sapnap were puzzled by their friends' actions, but then they saw Philza hovering above them.

"Sapnap and Skeppy, under orders of Herobrine, you are hereby stripped of your duty as warriors and shall spend your days in confinement till our leaders deem you trustworthy again. You should be thankful that Herobrine is merciful, if it were up to me I would have you publicly executed for treason."

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