Chapter 19

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As the pair pulled away, Karl slowly opened his eyes to look at the man that he loves. He was taken back when he saw Sapnap's expression change, his eyes now held a nostalgic warmth, and his smile was even brighter than any of the smiles that the fallen had given him before.

"Hey Cutie!" Sapnap said, his voice cracking a bit.

Karl gasped, "You... you remembered?"

"Looks like true love's kiss truly breaks the spell." Sapnap stated smugly.

Karl cringed at that, they always did make fun of that cliché when they read the carefully preserved fairy tale books as kids.

Sapnap chuckled at his expression, before leaning in once again to kiss Karl.

"I missed you so much Cutie," Sapnap said when they broke away.

Karl played with the his lover's wings that encircled them protectively. "So only your memories returned, you're still a Fallen." Karl stated.

"Does that bother you?" Sapnap asked.

"Nah, I rather like the thought of never having to walk long distances again. You can just carry me everywhere." Karl stated with a smile.

The pair brought their lips together again, but this time their kiss was interrupted by a gust of wind.

"Sapnap?" Dream and Skeppy called, rather surprised to see a their friend in an intimate embrace with a human.

Suddenly George and Bad emerged from the bushes and charged towards the Fallen, hoping to protect Karl from them, but they both skidded to a stop when they recognized who the winged men were.

"Dream?" George called.

"Skeppy," Bad said at the same time.

The two humans then turned to Sapnap and Karl, and dropped their weapons in shock.

"Sapnap, you're-" Bad started to say, before George landed a hard blow to the Fallen's stomach.

Sapnap curled up in pain and groaned. "What was that for George?"

"Arsehole, I know that Karl's your lover, but you could have shown yourself to me and Bad too." George stated.

"He just got his memories back George," Karl informed.

Sapnap and Karl quickly explained their story, Bad and Skeppy then followed, and lastly Dream and George.

"So we've all been sneaking behind each others' backs huh?" George pointed out as Dream hovered by his side.

"It's rather silly," Bad commented and Skeppy draped an arm on his shoulder, while Sapnap wrapped his arms around Karl's waist.

"Aw, you guys are adorable," George teased his two friends and their fallen. The humans blushed while the demigods merely shot him a smile.

Dream shuffled awkwardly behind George, wanting to reach out and hold the human in front of him, just like his friends were doing, yet not knowing if he was allowed to.

"Something wrong Dream?" George asked when he noticed the fallen fidget.

"No, we're just missing one more pair." Dream stated, trying to change the topic.

"What do you mean?" Sapnap asked.

Dream closed his eyes, and the group could feel his power radiating off him. After some time he reopened his eyes and landed on the ground.

"What did you do?" George asked.

"I just sent out a call, they'll be here shortly."

A few seconds later, the bushes rustled and out popped Antfrost, still in his cat form. The feline strutted up to Dream, and sat down in front of him and George.

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