Chapter 10

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Meanwhile, George had finally reach the Nether, which was a land covered with netherrack, lava lakes, and dangerous mobs. According to their elders, it didn't exist in the old days, but after the Fallen won the war it had just magically popped up.

George prepared his weapons, before slipping on a golden bracelet. Most people would use golden armor to escape the piglins, but George's speed was his greatest asset, so the armor would only weigh him down.

He then spots the nether fortress that he frequents, and pulled out his list to look it over. Netherwart, glowstone dust, blazepowder, ghast tears, and magma cream, he repeated over and over in his head.

I guess Nether wart and blaze rods comes first, he said as he headed towards the large structure. He managed to sneak around the wither skeletons, and headed towards the blaze spawner.

There he took out his shield and axe, and used a fire resistance splash potion on himself, just as the first batch of blazes spawned in. He quickly disposed of them and collected the blaze rods, then continued to do so till he had a decent amount.

He then headed to the lower chamber of the fortress, and collected the netherwarts there. He kept some, and replanted the others in the tiny farm that he had developed over time.

George then equipped his bow, and journeyed on in search of a flat, and wide open space, where he knew that there would be ghast. When he heard the familiar cry, he quickly whirled around and shot an arrow.

He hit the ghast, and it crashed to the ground. Taking out a small vial from his pocket, George collected the mob's tears before it eventual dispersed into white particles.

He did feel a little bad about doing this. Though they were very large and scary when flying, once you got them grounded, ghast were nothing more than big cry babies.

He needed their tears though, so he continued his little ghast hunt till he filled up all 5 vials that he had brought with him. George carefully kept them so they wouldn't crack, then headed towards the basalt delta to find magma cubes.

Magma cream was number two on the list of things that he hated to collect. Not only were Magma cubes annoying to fight, but they also took up residence in the basalt delta, which was one of the most dangerous places in the nether.

He had brought some very crude climbing equipment with him, which he used to scale the rocks in search for the needed mob. When he finally spotted a group of magma cubes, he drew out his axe and shield then attacked one of them.

He made sure to focus on one at a time, since dealing with dozens of tiny magma cubes at once would be tiring. After completely filling the container he brought with the magma cream, he swung his bag over his shoulder, and headed away from the dangerous biome.

Last on his list was glowstone dust, the thing that he hated the most to collect. It wasn't as difficult to find as the other items, but it was most definitely a pain to collect.

Glowstones were found on the ceiling of the nether, which meant that he had to climb up, mine them down, then collect the dust off the netherrack floor.

When George spotted a cluster, his eyes immediately scanned for the best way to climb up. Luckily there was a wall nearby, and he quickly used his climbing tools to make it to the top.

After digging out a proper crevice to serve as a foot hold, and securing a metal hook to loop his rope over, he grabbed his pick axe and started mining.

Sweat was starting to form on his palms and brow, which made him quicken his pace. When he had finally succeed in mining it all out he sighed, and slowly lowered himself back to the ground.

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