Chapter 26

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Dream held George's body close to him. They were both currently in a tree with the still unconscious brunette draped over the demigod's chest.

George mumbled something in his sleep and Dream rubbed his back in a comforting manner. He moved his mask higher so his lips were exposed and affectionately trailed them across George's forehead. Not kissing, even though he wanted to. This was just to calm himself down since he was still very much tense after seeing Seth on top of George.

Anger surged through his veins once again when he remembered the scene and his grip tightened unintentionally. He never really realized how much he truly cared for the human till now.

George woke up with a yelp from the pain of Dream's death grip. The demigod instantly let go as George groggily lifted his head with a frown.

"Sorry," Dream said as he rubbed the bruised area to relieve the sting.

"It's alright..." George responded instinctively, still not remembering the events that happened a while ago. But when it finally all came back to him, his breathing started getting erratic and panic flooded his brain.

Dream immediately wrapped his arms around the brunette and pulled him close again, "You're safe now. It's okay, I won't let anyone hurt you."

George slowly relaxed but his body was still shaking, "I was so scared..." he muttered out. "I thought that I would never see you again..."

Dream's heart leaped in his chest at those words, but he stayed silent.

"Dream about your mirror..."

Dream placed a finger to George's lip, effectively silencing him and making the human blush. The demigod then pulled out the cracked mirror from his pocket.

"I'm sorry Dream, I should have been more careful." George apologized.

"George, I don't care about the mirror. It was just a way for me to talk to you and make sure that you were safe, but you won't be needing it anymore." Dream said as he tucked it back into his pocket, then leaned in to rest his masked forehead on George's, "because I am not leaving till you make it back home safely."

George gave him a shy smile in return as he wrapped his arms around Dream's waist and buried his face in the demigod's chest. Dream reached up and tangled his fingers through George's hair, both of them relishing in this moment of intimacy.

While staying in the embrace Dream asked if they were connected to the three fallen scouts' death, and George honestly admitted that he and Bad were responsible.

I'll tell Herobrine that I found the scouts' ashes, but not their killers, Dream decided in his head, before speaking again. "George..."


"Turn around, I want you to watch the sunrise with me."

George angled his body so that he was seated between Dream's legs, while the demigod had his arms around him. They spent the next few minutes watching the sun slowly peek over the mountain range and begin its climb across the sky.

The brunette let out a sigh, though they haven't known each other for very long, Dream had become a safe haven for him. His heart thumped in his chest as he felt the demigod's hands trail up and down his sides in a comforting manner.

George then tilted his head up to look at Dream's white mask.

"What is it?" Dream asked.

George's lips tugged in a small smile before he lifted his head a bit to peck the cheek of Dream's mask.

Beneath the mask the demigod's face had gone bright red, "W-what was that for?" he stuttered out.

George chuckled, "For saving me again," he answered.

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