Chapter 4

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The next morning, George wakes up before the sun is even in the sky. He then heads over to the public washrooms, which were really just underground rivers, to bath.

Once he dries up and changes, he heads back to his room to grab his mushroom hat, cape, goggles, a couple of hunting weapons, and a satchel. He leaves a note behind, in case anyone would come looking for him, and heads down one of the tunnels to a nearby exit.

Their burrows have several entrances, each carefully concealed and spread out. This time George lifted a hatch that was disguised as a rock, and scanned the area before pulling himself out of the hole. He spotted a couple of mobs, but they were already retreating to the caves to escape the coming sunlight.

George walked over to a patch of mushrooms, that were growing under a giant one, and started collecting a few. He placed everything that he collected into his satchel, then continued to look around for other eatable plants. He also collected a couple of herbs to give to Niki later, so she could make them into medicine.

Niki's ancestors were doctors, and she picked up the skill there. When humans discovered that they could brew potions, she quickly learned the recipes as well.

Speaking of potions, he would need to search for more ingredients soon. They were still trying to restock their supply after their defeat a year ago. So when Jschlatt finally snapped out of the stupor he was in, they would be ready.

Suddenly, several rabbits ran past George. Realizing how they would make a tasty stew, he quickly but quietly gave chase. He had a couple of throwing knives, and he aimed them at his prey.

He managed to hit 3, and quickly put them in a separate bag. Just then, something brushed against his leg, which made him jump in surprised. He looked down to find a tiny wolf pup at his feet.

"Hey there little one, are you lost?" he asked in a small voice.

The pup gently grabbed onto his pant leg, and started tugging it. George was very much intrigued at the wolf's actions, and decided to go where it was leading him.

Eventually the pup disappeared behind a bush, and George gasped when he saw a small field of wheat growing in front of him.

Has this always been here? I think I would have remembered if I came here before... George wondered.

He then took out his dagger, and started harvesting some wheat to bring back home, totally unaware that he had an audience hiding behind the bushes.

Dream smiled as he watched George cut down the golden grains, that he had just created a little while ago. This human caught his attention, and the blonde Fallen was itching to find out more about this mortal, who had bravely attacked him.

Just then, George lifted his goggles up and rested them on his forehead, before removing his hat to brush his hair back a bit.

Brown...he has brown eyes and hair... Dream noted.

When George had grabbed enough to feed the colony, he started heading back.

Is he leaving already? I don't want him to go yet, but how can I make him stay a little while longer.

A thought crossed his mind, and he made a couple of apples grow on the nearby trees. He then transformed himself into a parrot, and approached George, just like he did earlier in wolf form.

He grabbed an apple in his talons, and dropped it down on the human's head.

"Hey!" George yelped when the fruit fell on him, luckily his hat had cushion the impact.

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