Chapter 32

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At the command, Herobrine's troops charged at the humans.

"Philza!" Jschlatt yelled grabbing the fallen's attention.

"Bring your men above the forest, we don't want to accidentally hit you guys!" Jschlatt informed as the humans drew their guns out and got into formation once more.

Philza nodded and led the rebel fallen to hover above the forest. At Jschlatt's command, the humans opened fire on the enemy taking down many of them.

Jschlatt then instructed Tubbo to take Ranboo and Tommy back to the tunnels to hide, and the boy listened.

Those that had managed to make it through the rain of bullets, had to deal with Philza and the other fallen.

"George, we haven't seen Sapnap nor Skeppy," Karl stated in a worried voice.

Wilbur heard this and told them of their arrest last night.

"We have to save them!" Bad declared.

Philza flew to them and patted Karl and Bad's back. To the humans' surprise, a pair of black wings sprouted out of their backs. "It's not permanent, but it should get you to the sky palace. Just think about which direction you want to go and they will take you there."

From the corner of his eye Dream noticed Herobrine leaving the battlefield. "Herobrine's escaping," he stated.

"Here take these and go!" Antfrost and Red said, handing George his enchanted bow which they took with them before leaving the tunnels.

Nodding his thanks, he ran towards Dream who immediately picked him up and took off after Herobrine. Karl and Bad followed closely behind the pair.

When they arrived at the sky palace they agreed to split up. Dream and George would go after Herobrine, while Karl and Bad would go rescue Sapnap and Skeppy.

Armed with only their enchanted weapons, Karl and Bad scoured the entire palace till they finally found their way to the dungeon. From a distance, they could already hear the explosion of multiple creepers and rushed towards that cell.

"Skeppy! Sapnap!" they both called.

"Here!" they heard Skeppy reply.

They quickly found a way to the top and opened the hatch. Due to it being so dark they could hardly see a thing, but they could hear the cracking of diamonds and the continued explosions.

Karl asked Bad to stand back, then charged up his flaming sword and sent a fireball to the cell below. In the dim light, they managed to make out the outline of Skeppy's diamond dome which was surrounded by several creepers ready to explode. On the other side of the room was a spawner that continuously created new creepers.

Bad pulled out his daggers and controlled them to attack the creepers surrounding Skeppy. Once he had cleared them out, Skeppy had enough time to breathe and fire a couple of diamond shards at the spawner, effectively destroying it.

Bad jumped down into the cell and helped destroy the shackles that connected Skeppy to the heavyweight. Once freed, the fallen took Bad into his arms and hugged him before flying them both out of the darkroom.

"Where's Sapnap?" Karl asked.

"He's in that one," Skeppy answered while pointing to the cell next to his.

Skeppy helped Karl and Bad to the top, then Karl opened the hatch. Sapnap's cell was now half-filled, and the fallen was struggling to keep his head above the water while his heavy wings and the weight attached to him pulled him down.

Karl did not hesitate to dive in, with his sword in hand. He wouldn't be able to use the flames while submerged, but it was still a netherite sword.

Karl swung his blade several times till he managed to sever the chain that tied Sapnap to the weight, then he swam towards his lover and helped him keep afloat.

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